Content Harry Potter Crossovers


Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Friday 13th June 2014 10:31am for An Ancient Evil

O.K. I'm completely bafled. W.T.F is going on?!

Life's a Dance posted a comment on Tuesday 24th March 2009 7:09am for An Ancient Evil

Wow, man, that's screwed up. You have a sick and twisted mind! LoL
Anyway, that was a well written piece. I really enjoyed how you said so much with so little! And the idea that harry would be driven insane after the Last Battle, then turn into an amorphous being is fresh and original, and your use of the pause is masterful! I very much enjoy your stories, and hope you continue to update them. Master Potter is also a fresh new approach to the idea of "apprentice harry" and I hope you continue to update that story arc. Anyway, cheers and wishing you a Happy Spring!

meatzman2 posted a comment on Tuesday 13th January 2009 7:50am for An Ancient Evil

i don't know why, but i was in tears by the end of this fic. again, excellent fanfiction.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Sunday 13th April 2008 9:51am for An Ancient Evil

OOH, now this is interesting, are you going to continue it?

joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 2nd February 2008 2:41pm for An Ancient Evil

Meh. If Harry was responsible for all the mayhem and death, why would he stay in the forest? (He wouldn't.)

Jimbocous posted a comment on Friday 2nd November 2007 10:25pm for An Ancient Evil


gadriam posted a comment on Tuesday 9th October 2007 10:55pm for An Ancient Evil

This was a disturbing but funny read. I can understand why you didn't continue it, since it only can go in insane directions, or possibly into a beautyandthebeasty fairytale mess. If you ever need to just clean your teeth on something, i wouldn't mind a second chapter.


smog2187 posted a comment on Sunday 26th August 2007 6:53am for An Ancient Evil

Lol, great story! I'd like to see what happens to Harry and if he can be rehabilitated. Cheers

fae_child86 posted a comment on Saturday 18th August 2007 6:47pm for An Ancient Evil

I liked that. I loved how you had us building up to believe the vampire was the being, when it was really Harry!

darthloki posted a comment on Tuesday 6th March 2007 8:29pm for An Ancient Evil

"Are we hungry?"

"Not if you're cooking."

Those two lines made me laugh hysterically. This is such a brilliant story. Very creepy.

David posted a comment on Friday 2nd February 2007 9:39pm for An Ancient Evil

dude thats crazy

KyuubiNaru posted a comment on Thursday 13th July 2006 4:21am for An Ancient Evil

this story was getting good though!!

too bad you discontinued it...

is there a chance that you will continue this story? i hope so...

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 4th July 2006 5:06am for An Ancient Evil

Ouch! Great short though, wow what a messed up setup. Great job with what happened to vampire boy but wow is harry/voldie a mess. Good job with dumbles discussion with tonks also. Cheers!

Keldore posted a comment on Monday 3rd July 2006 2:37pm for An Ancient Evil

Great idea

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 10:02am for An Ancient Evil

ok... i'm glad you stop it, it's too twist anyway.

Grukal posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 5:02am for An Ancient Evil

Nasty piece of fiction here. But good, anyway. Keep up the good work

LittleTom45 posted a comment on Saturday 1st July 2006 9:32am for An Ancient Evil

Now that would make a interesting story if you continued. Very good.

Patches posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 11:59pm for An Ancient Evil

A haunting story. Quite a terrifying idea! To think that killing Voldemort would create an insane, evil Harry! Quite an imaginative story. Thanks for writing. pms

Pleather Boots posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 5:54pm for An Ancient Evil

Wow, this was great! A one shot drabble you say? Hmm, I think you should continue with it, and see where it takes you! --K

Manatheron posted a comment on Friday 30th June 2006 4:03pm for An Ancient Evil

Ooohh! Now THAT is an interesting way to start a fic! Is he insane? or did both he and voldimort combine somehow? or... well, I suppose I just have to wait and see yes?