Content Harry Potter Crossovers


Samantha posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 8:23am for A Giant Problem

Still enjoying this story very much. It's very rare to come across a fan fic that doesn't fall upon the usual tired cliches. Although Harry and Dumbledore are fighting in the usual independent Harry style it comes across as something new because of the very different story that surrounds it. In some ways it's almost like reading an entirely new story with just a few familiar characters. Zab is a very convincing character and definitely adds to the story. Anyway must keep going with the story - the compelling charm is very strong.

Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 2:10pm for A Giant Problem

Grawp has certainly improved. It was great the way Harry stopped the Centaurs and Grawp from fighting. Bane has always been a problem. It is nice that the other centaurs recognized the truth in what Harry said and stopped the fighting. It made it even better when Grawp agreed to cooperate. And they were able to harvest the giant blood without even asking or upsetting Grawp. Not a bad night's work! Thanks for writing. pms

Aberbadger posted a comment on Sunday 16th April 2006 9:55am for A Giant Problem

I can understand why you have taken this direction, as I have had the same debate with "Katling" in, but for all the characterisations poetic/author's licence allows for, I can not reconcile the idea of Harry EVER agreeing to call someone Master. Master Zab, certainly, or anything along the same lines, but the simple fact of the matter is, not only would Harry refuse to be subservient to anyone at that level - he has an streak of independence a mile wide - he has had too many run-ins with Death Eaters for the term master to do anything other than react with profound sadness and perhapse disgust at the noun.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 1st September 2005 10:18am for A Giant Problem

Another well written chapter. Nice story.
