Apprentice Potter
A Piercing Headache
By Draco664
bimalc posted a comment on Thursday 15th January 2009 4:29pm for A Piercing Headache
When did VOldemort start giving out dark marks? Zab apparently worked for Voldemort at some point, yet no dark mark ....?
Portus posted a comment on Tuesday 29th July 2008 9:13am for A Piercing Headache
Alright, this story is excellent. Well done, great job, all that. I liked angry!Harry much more than I thought I would going in. I'm a bit surprised, looking back, that Harry in canon wasn't even angrier in Book 6 than in Book 5; he certainly had reason to be. How could he be so off-balance for all of Book 5, then find out THERE'S A PROPHECY ABOUT HIM HAVING TO KILL VOLDEMORT OR DIE TRYING, and then suddenly become the docile stooge JKR painted in Book 6?!?
Anyway, he has every reason to be furious, and I like the way you've written that seething, barely-checked anger into almost every portion of this story. Thanks for a very enjoyable read.
In the interest of fairness (and to satisfy my own curiosity), I have to point out what I think a two plot holes in the story.
One: If all the Death Eaters who returned to Voldemort (after his rebirth) burned to ash when Voldemort was exuberantly lobotomized, why didn't Snape die as well? He had returned to Riddle's service, whether on his own or as Dumbledore's spy, and Riddle would certainly have trusted Snape no more than the other returning Death Eaters.
Two: Voldemort tells Harry they've been waiting to spring the Hogsmeade trap for weeks, waiting for Harry to show up. But Harry arrives with Grawp, only AFTER they see the giants attacking and herding the twnspeople toward the waiting Death Eaters. How did they know to spring the trap?
Anyway, I really liked the story, and if those two things can be explained, I'll have to rank it even higher in my personal list of quality HP fanfiction.
Thanks for the entertainment!!
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 22nd August 2005 5:04pm for A Piercing Headache
Tom meets his doom at the wrong end of Harry's wand...and Harry isn't even holding it! Seventeen students die (none of them from Gryffindor; in fact, most of them are Slytherins); UNfortunately including Cho Chang. The Munchers fare FAR worse (both Malfoy men buy it, and Neville literally beats Bellatrix to death Muggle-fashion, as in with his bare hands). Somehow I don't think anyone will be wanting to challenge Neville to *anything* anytime soon.
gtgrouch posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2014 1:51am for A Piercing Headache