Content Harry Potter Crossovers


noreenklose posted a comment on Monday 26th March 2018 9:13pm for Epilogue


I really enjoyed reading your story.

I put off starting the series because I was waiting for the end of Master Potter. I guess it will never be finished, so I'm going to read what ever is here.

I really wish that you had finished the series.

Thanks for writing, the story was really good!

gtgrouch posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2014 2:49am for Epilogue

Worthy end to an excellent story!

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Wednesday 18th June 2014 10:38pm for Epilogue

"I laughed, feeling so happy just being near my friends. "Maybe, but perhaps the world needed just one more Apprentice Potter." And that's the end of that Ch.!

Abraxan posted a comment on Wednesday 27th October 2010 3:30pm for Epilogue

What a wonderful story! I really enjoyed It's!


panache posted a comment on Tuesday 7th August 2007 2:17pm for Epilogue

Outstanding story! I enjoyed it tremendously.
You have a small problem you need to address, however. Snape has the Dark Mark on his arm. It has killed everyone else but you have given no reason why he survived. He was an active member at the time of Voldemort's demise so he would have had the same Dark Mark as everyoe else.

DaZZa posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 9:48pm for Epilogue

I have only one beef.

The story says

"but the fact that every person who had a Dark Mark was now a pile of ash was fairly convincing to the rest of the population that Voldy was gone."

If this is the case, how come Snape is still alive to judge Harry & Zab's potion? We all know Snape has a Dark Mark on his arm.

Tanthalas posted a comment on Thursday 28th June 2007 7:57am for Epilogue

well globaly a good story but two things :

magic wandmagic at least does NOT require incantations and/or wand mouvements !

anyone with a little logic could have understood this fact while reading HP and the sorcerer's stone

Hagrid posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 1:13pm for Epilogue

I would leave a review, but I am speechless at the moment. What a twisted path you led us on, what fluid motion, what a story! Send me an owl with your next story. Hagrid

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 2nd September 2005 5:59am for Epilogue

Very good. Loved the story.


Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 22nd August 2005 4:51pm for Epilogue

*Amazing*. The stupidity and intransigence of some in the Ministry never ceases to amaze (and amuse) me. Potter (and other) rediscover an improved potion that not only improves magical strength, it actually helps with both Occlumency and Legilimency (even granting those skills at a basic level where they don't exist at all). The Department of Magical Law Enforcement (not to mention the Wizengamot) would almost *kill* for rights to this potion!
And the theory of Remote Casting is proven once again, completely trainwrecking two major theories of magic in the process. Not even Snape can wish it away (since it happened right in front of him); in fact, he looked paler than the Bloody Baron! (He'd apparently make a really bad ghost.)