Apprentice Potter
Potter v Ministry
By Draco664
Sadrice posted a comment on Friday 7th March 2008 9:56am for Potter v Ministry
I don't think Harry should have thrown so much furniture. It might be inbtimidating, but it's kinda tantamount to throwing yourself on the ground and kicking and screaming.
Also, why the hell would you be able to open a direct floo connection from a public place to Dumbles' office and pass enchanted items through without the headmaster's consent? That is an absurd hole in security. People could just drop bombs and assorted cursed items, and perhaps monitoring devices, in what should be one of the most secure areas in Hogwarts. I suppose it's possible that it's keyed to certain people, and anyone not on a "Trusted List" wouldn't be able to open the connection, but I'm inclined to doubt that after all his efforts to keep Harry down Dumbles would just give him top level security clearances without taking the oppurtunity to use it to manipulate Harry into doing something.
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 7th February 2006 7:24am for Potter v Ministry
I like the idea of using the press to strike a killing blow against Fudge like that. Different solution than Ruskbyte used in 'Backwards Compatible', but maybe even more effective in the long run.
You know, you do have a couple of spelling errors strewn in between the various chapters, a couple of them rather misleading or embarassing. For example, the use of 'discourse' where you probably meant to use 'discord' in the section where Harry butts heads with Perce. If you need someone to check over your story for these little errors, send me a note.
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 1st September 2005 12:22pm for Potter v Ministry
Very good chapter. Really liking it more and more.
Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Wednesday 18th June 2014 8:45pm for Potter v Ministry