Content Harry Potter Crossovers


Celexs posted a comment on Tuesday 13th March 2018 11:58pm for The Final Battle

I cant remember if this is the first time I've read this story but it was a blast to read.


Bill3 posted a comment on Friday 25th January 2013 5:03pm for The Final Battle

Good story. Thank you for sharing it

Daniel1234 posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2012 8:54am for The Final Battle

Wonderful story. All chapters in one sitting. Kind of tired now, so my review will be a little short.
Only disapointmeant is that Snape is still teaching.

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2011 3:04am for The Final Battle

This was a very good story all in all. Thinking back, I can't really see any large flaws anywhere. One smaller thing that stood out was how angry Harry was during the first half. He stayed angry and returned to white hot anger quite easily for a long time, even after his apprenticeship started. The other small thing that comes to mind was that the character of Zab may have been a little too perfect. Then again, his age does explain some of his relatively calm temperament.

I glanced at fanfiction dot net to see if you had a copy of the story there so I could add it as a favorite, but you seem to have removed your stories there some time ago. At any rate, you might want to add to your profile there which part of their new policies you disagree with. My own recommendation might be to consider reposting the first chapter of each story there, with a note that the rest of it is here.

jchangpa posted a comment on Sunday 20th November 2011 11:37pm for The Final Battle

Excellent, I love the story, the way he handle all the lies that he was told during his live and over all of this is really good he get Hermione and Blaze. The way Voldemort dye is new for me but exquisite, why snape do not dye or at least been creaple i don't know. But any way thanks for the story hope you have more.

ILikeToRead posted a comment on Sunday 11th September 2011 1:31pm for The Final Battle

What a great story. First I've read that Harry is an apprentice. Very well done with all the anger and frustration that Harry has and unleashed on everyone. We never did find out if Sirus was declared innocent. Thanks for sharing!

slashslut posted a comment on Sunday 3rd January 2010 6:21pm for The Final Battle

loved it from beginning to end!

Richard6154 posted a comment on Saturday 24th October 2009 2:33pm for The Final Battle

WooHoo! Love it! Thanks for sharing.
On to part 2.

crazyfoxdemon posted a comment on Sunday 20th September 2009 2:37am for The Final Battle

Yes......HELL YES....great story I really enjoyed it :)

Charles Newton posted a comment on Tuesday 30th June 2009 10:12am for The Final Battle

Excellent work!

slashslut posted a comment on Saturday 18th April 2009 6:52pm for The Final Battle

brava! brava! this was a brilliantly plotted, detailed and executed fic! i loved every word!

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Wednesday 15th April 2009 7:59pm for The Final Battle

Quite good overall, and one of the better explanations for, "the power the dark lord knows not." I am of course referiing to the leadership argument. On the minus side while this was technically good and compelling, it did use somewhat cliched themes to move the story. I.E. manipulating Harry for his own good, incompetant power hungry goverment officials, wise old man that shows him the way, etc.

Perhaps it was a weakness to use first person for the entire story, since it provided complete insight into the main character. The view from the gallery that third person presents, that would have allowed people to see Harry from how other people viewed him might have increased the emotional impact in some places. Along the same lines, for instance, what would it have been like if the events of the duel with Malfoy were told by one of the spectators? If you kept using minor characters or third person through the point where Harry and Dumbledoor reconcile it might have had a greater impact. At any rate, it is just an idea..

On another note, usually when you have a matchup with two female leads the portrayal of the women tends to be more generic. Here, the relationship was only a secondary thread, as were both women, so its hard to comment much there. It will be interesting to see if in the stories that apparently follow how this all plays out.

Thanks for taking the time to share your story.

Sect posted a comment on Thursday 26th March 2009 5:26pm for The Final Battle

Huh. So THAT'S where this story disappeared to. I remember reading this years ago, and I couldn't find it.

Don't recall there being a post epilogue. Or sequels, for that matter.

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 10:33pm for The Final Battle

I read a post on DLP forums praising your fics. So glad I decided to check them out!

First of all, your writing is very good and I would even say, professional. Many of the fics I've read are miles behind. Gotta love the humor you mixed in as well.

I also liked how you depicted the characters. Harry is strong, but very believably so; he keeps learning, and he didn't get where he is overnight.

I also liked the occasional teamwork and him leading and teaching people. Some fics with Independent!Harry seem to turn him into a superman and also get rid of all his former friends. But here all characters get their part of development as well, which is just awesome and just the type of story I like! :)

I am a fan of Harry/Hermione, but here things are further spiced up by very original and interesting Blaise character. <3

At times I did feel that Harry's anger and hate were excessive, but then again even the summary warns about it so I'm not complaining by any means.

The remote casting bit was original (as in, I haven't encountered this in any other fic I've read), and even fit the canon well (which again is one of the things I like). On the other hand I don't really see how this power could be used to get an edge over Voldemort (aside from surprising him like they did, of course).

I think Harry's vast magical power and his reflexes played a much bigger role in his victory over Voldemort and Death Eaters, not this situational 'remote casting' thingy.

Oh, and the ending of the fic with the implied threesome was, for lack of a better word, pure win!

keichan2 posted a comment on Tuesday 17th June 2008 8:19am for The Final Battle

I loved this story!

It is notable that most times, there is only one chapter (epilogue) after Voldemort's death.
This time, continuing as you did gave me the feeling that killing Voldemort was NOT the plot of this story.
I'm not sure I can explain exactly what I feel...
Most times, a Harry Potter fanfic is just "yet another way to kill Voldy". In yours, Tom was just another obstacle on the road for Harry (and I'm sure that he was far more afraid of Zab than he was of the Dark Lord!)

Anyway, I liked it.

Thanks for writing it!

Josh Jackson posted a comment on Monday 9th June 2008 11:35pm for The Final Battle

You sir have written a truly inventive epic. Harry's anger seemed to burn a little longer than most angry Harry fics i've read but u adequately justified the reasons for that. The H/Hr/Bl pairing need not be commented on for its epic humorousness and touchingness. Kudos on the remote casting bit, I've never read about that one b4.

nimistar posted a comment on Tuesday 20th May 2008 3:17pm for The Final Battle

o yes, thats a good way to end a story.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Saturday 29th March 2008 10:33pm for The Final Battle

Now that's a great way to end a story!

FrequencyQueen posted a comment on Friday 1st February 2008 2:37pm for The Final Battle

Great story! I liked how Harry got free and stood his ground. He owes Moody a big one. Zab was written very well, and I liked the psychology angle you used. I'd like to see more about Zab sometime.

twinheart posted a comment on Tuesday 25th December 2007 6:36am for The Final Battle

I just found this story- read it straight through! Absolutely brilliant. I loved the telling from Harry's POV in first person! And you have a wicked sense of humor! Loved it. . .going off to start the sequel now. Excellent work, mate!