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Betrayal of the Best Kind

By Draco664

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Return to Hogwarts, Fifth year

Even before Tom had come up to rouse Harry, he was up, dressed and packed. Harry had again tied his hair into its now-customary ponytail. During the last few days, his forehead had become lightly tanned, making his scar all but invisible.

Harry had not been able to sleep at all last night; the memory of Cho's warm, silky skin had him shivering with delight. Though their passionate explorations of each other's bodies had been extensive, they both felt it was not the right time for them to make the ultimate physical expression of love. Though he had not slept after walking Cho home, Harry felt energised, not the least bit tired.

Hedwig had not yet returned from her nightly hunting, so Harry left the window open and went down for an early breakfast. Tom was amused at how much Harry consumed, normally the young man ate only moderate amounts.

Harry checked his watch, noting that there was still several hours before he had to be at King's Cross Station. He decided to go for one final walk around Diagon Alley.

Mr. Chang walked through the barrier between platform 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station, in front of his daughter and her boyfriend. The pair of them had been almost offensively eager to get back to school. He could no longer contain his daughter's excitement and had agreed to take the pair of them to the station early.

Harry and Cho were almost the first students there. The gleaming, scarlet steam train stood proud and ready at the platform. They selected a compartment near the front of the train, and stored their trunks in the racks above their heads. Harry smiled and held his arms out to Cho. She returned the smile and rushed to embrace him. Keeping track of time was forgotten.

Over the next two hours, many students got on the train, and wandered around to see who else was there. Cho and Harry had to restrain their enthusiasm, as friends from many different years stuck their heads in the compartment to greet them, and ask how they both were.

"I supposed it was to be expected," Harry said, after the tenth person had asked if he was feeling OK. "I guess I was in pretty bad shape at the end of term."

"Not much better than me. I hope people don't think we are disgracing Cedric's memory."

Harry turned to face her. "I know Cedric wouldn't think that. That is all that really matters."

Cho smiled and lay her head on Harry's lap. "You know, you always say whatever will cheer me up the most. That is a real gift you have, Mr. Potter."

It was almost eleven o'clock by the time that Ron stuck his head into the compartment. "Here you are. We've been looking for you." He looked back down the passageway and called out, "Hey 'Mione, I've found them!" Ron walked in dragging his trunk and lifted it into the racks above the seats. He went and grabbed Hermione's trunk and stored it next to his. Hermione watched him from the door with a smirk on her face. She moved in and sat next to Ron.

The four of them chatted for a while, talking about their holidays. Cho and Hermione had to leave briefly for their prefect's meeting in the front carriage. While they were gone, Harry and Ron played a few games of chess. After losing for the third time, Harry noticed movement at floor level, and saw a large, elderly toad make his way down the corridor outside. Harry scooped up the toad and placed it in the box that held his chess pieces.

"Neville will be here soon." he said.

True to form, less than five minutes later, Neville stuck his head into their carriage. "Have you guys seen Trevor?"

Harry passed his friend the box. Neville's eyes lit up. "Trevor, there you are!" He picked up his pet and tucked him into a pocket. "Thanks, Harry. I missed you at Cedric's funeral. Didn't the muggles want to let you go?"

Harry sadly shook his head. "Cho's grandfather took me a couple of days ago. I got to say goodbye, and add something to his headstone."

Neville's eyes lit up. "You stayed with the Changs?"

Harry laughed. "No, I spent the last few days of the holidays at the Leaky Cauldron. Cho's family run the apothecary in Diagon Alley, and we spent a lot of time together." Harry looked down bashfully. "We are sort of, well, going out."

"That's great Harry, she is a beautiful girl. How does she feel about Cedric though?"

"They were friends. She misses him terribly, as you'd expect. I'm just making sure I'm there for her. I'd do anything to make her feel better."

"How touching." Draco Malfoy's unwelcome visage appeared in the doorway. "I'm sure she'd feel wonderful once she realises that you killed her boyfriend." His ever-present bodyguards chuckled on cue.

Ron smiled and sat back watching Harry. Neville looked at Draco nervously.

"Malfoy! Good to see you again! You ran off before we could finish our chat yesterday."

"You think you're so clever Potter. Well you just better watch out. Insulting a prefect can cost you points."

"Ahh, we were just discussing amongst ourselves who would be the Slytherin prefect this year. The odds favoured no one being picked. Good to see you managed to beat the odds, Malfoy. Just think, you, with all your family's money and influence, have managed to keep up with someone from a muggle family."

Draco's eyes narrowed. "That sounded like an insult Potter. I think five points from Gryffindor will be adequate punishment."

"You think that was an insult, Malfoy? When did you become so thin-skinned?"

"Ten points."

"You sound like an auctioneer, do I hear fifteen?"

"Draco snarled. "Fifteen it is."

"Twenty points from Slytherin and detention, for abusing prefect's privilege." Draco spun round and faced Angelina Johnson, her head girl badge gleaming. Hermione and Cho were standing behind her. "I don't think your presence is appreciated here Malfoy, move along."

Draco and his goons were out of sight before they all burst into laughter.

"S...s...sold!" howled Ron.

After Draco's traditional visit, the friends decided to change into their robes. Cho and Hermione left to use the prefect's carriage. Ron and Harry extracted their robes and began to dress.

"So, Ron, what is going on between you and Hermione?" Harry asked.

Ron looked a little wild at that. "What? What do you mean?"

"You keep annoying her. I'd say it was deliberately."

Ron looked relieved. "Oh, yeah. I, uh, think it's funny."

"If you want to really annoy her, I know a way to really set her off," came Cho's voice from the door.

Ron looked wary. "Oh yeah? What?"

"Kiss her."

Harry almost burst out laughing at Ron's petrified expression.

"I'm serious," Cho continued, stepping into the compartment. "Next time she starts arguing with you, do what you can to rile her up. Get her really going. Then, just when she is in full voice, kiss her."

Ron's ears were almost the same colour as his hair. He was doing a good impression of a goldfish. "I couldn't do that!" he finally gasped.

"Couldn't do what?" Hermione stepped into the compartment.

"Couldn't do something to prove the Sorting Hat was right putting him in Gryffindor," said Harry.

"Fine! I will!" Ron decided.

"Will do what?" Hermione demanded, frowning.

"You'll see," said Cho mysteriously.

The four awoke when the train jerked to a stop at Hogsmeade. They stood, straightened their robes and disembarked. The enormous, hairy form of Hagrid stood out over the heads of the milling students.

"Hi, Hagrid!" Harry called out.

"Harry! See yeh at the feast. Firs' years this way!" Hagrid herded the new students towards the boats on the lakeshore.

Harry, Cho, Ron and Hermione jumped into one of the waiting horseless carriages, which then lurched and carried them up towards Hogwarts.

Harry reluctantly let Cho's hand go to allow them to head to their respective house tables. Harry and his friends were greeted by nearly all the Gryffindors at the table. Many wanted to make sure that Harry was all right after the third task last year. Harry's smile and new found confidence convinced them that he was telling the truth when he said that he was fine. He looked over and saw that Cho was putting the fears of her own housemates to rest.

The trio sat at their customary place, Harry and Ron on either side of Hermione, and enjoyed catching up with the friends they'd missed on the train.

A pearly white head rose through the middle of the table. "Sir Nick!" Hermione exclaimed. "How was your summer break?"

"Ahh, Hermione, it was fine, thank you for asking," said the Gryffindor house ghost. "Peeves did make himself a nuisance as usual though. You three appear to be in good health. Looks like the summer break agreed with you also."

The trio smiled and nodded. Ron's stomach growled loud enough to be heard from several metres away.

"Ron!" Hermione berated.

"What? You think I can control the noises my tummy makes when I'm hungry?"

"You are absolutely impossible," she huffed.

"I know what exactly what it's like when someone is being impossible," he replied, grinning at her.

Hermione's eyes flashed dangerously. "How dare you think that mmmmphhh..."

The whole table watched as Ron took Cho's advice. Ron had cupped Hermione's cheeks with his hands and planted his lips on her own.

Harry watched as conflicting emotions fought for dominance in Hermione. Shock won, and when Ron pulled away, she sat looking at him breathlessly. Ron smirked at Harry.

It was Ron's turn to be shocked into submission as Hermione threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

Instinct took over and the two of them shared a very passionate kiss in front of the entire school.

Neither of them noticed the loud cheering that accompanied their kiss until they pulled apart. They both sat blushing fiercely as even a few of the teachers were giving the pair some mild applause.

Harry looked over to Cho, and they shared a knowing smile.

The doors of the Great Hall opened, and silence filled the room. Professor McGonagall led the first year students through the hall to the front. There she placed a familiar three-legged stool and drew out the Sorting Hat. Placing the hat on the stool, the sorting ceremony began.

Harry remembered his own sorting. He had been petrified not of the hat, but of being told that there had been a mistake, and being sent home. How different his life would have been. He joined in as the assembled students cheered the completion of the Sorting Hat's song, and watched the Deputy Headmistress unfurl a list and begin reading the names of the new students.

After the four houses had been blessed with their new members, Professor Dumbledore rose and smiled as he addressed the students. "What are you waiting for? Tuck in!"

Food appeared instantly, and the hungry throng gleefully started devouring it.

Harry ate, talked, ate, laughed and ate. By the time the plates cleared, his stomach was groaning. He leaned back, basking in that most pleasant of discomforts.

Professor Dumbledore stood again. "Welcome one and all, to a new year. There are a few announcements for me to make. Firstly, as usual, the forbidden forest has its name for a reason. Secondly, Mr Filch informs me that the number of prohibited items has risen to a remarkable eight-hundred and seventy-three. A full list of the new forbidden items can be found on the purchase orders of a company called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." He looked over and grinned at Fred and George who had slumped into their seats groaning and holding their heads.

"Next, I would like to introduce you all to the new Defence against the Dark Arts professor. She has worked for the ministry as an auror for over three decades. Please welcome Professor Pritchart."

A tall, slim woman with steel grey hair stood and nodded her head to the polite applause. She looked as though she could give the deputy-headmistress lessons on looking stern.

"Lastly, following the success of the Yule Ball last year there will be three such events held this year. The first has no age restriction and will be held on Halloween. Due to the consternation evident on the faces of the male half of the student population, it has been decided that only females can invite a partner to the ball. No date, no go. Oh, and you must go with the first girl who asks you."

This announcement had the female students buzzing. Harry was suddenly very glad that he was sitting next to Hermione. With his new hair-style and new musculature, he had been the object of more than a few stares.

Hermione grabbed Ron's hand and immediately said "You are going with me. I need to keep an eye on you." Ron looked both pleased at getting a date before Harry, and trapped that he was going with Hermione.

The headmaster held up a hand. "That will be all for now, prefects, please direct the first year students to their dorms. Good night to you all."

Harry quickly stood up and moved towards the Ravenclaw table, getting away from the dozen or so Gryffindor girls bearing down on him. Cho was already on her way over to Harry. She grinned mischievously, and grabbed a double-handful of the front of Harry's robes. Pulling him close enough to almost rub noses, she growled "You had better be going with me, Potter!"

Harry grinned, and put on a Quirrell-like stammer. "Y-y-y-yes m-m-ma'am."

She smiled and gave him a quick kiss, before letting go and helping to direct the new Ravenclaw students.

Harry watched her go, then turned to see Hermione in her element. Her silver prefect badge shining like a beacon, she quickly and efficiently gathered the new first year Gryffindors and marched them out of the Great Hall.

Harry followed them out, completely missing the dark look being thrown his way by the youngest Weasley.

A few weeks into term the first Hogsmeade weekend occurred. Ron and Hermione had been enjoying their new explosive relationship, others had been enjoying it also. The constant arguments were a source of great entertainment to the residents of Gryffindor Tower. Seamus and Dean had been running a book, taking bets on all sorts of things, how long they would be together, what the next argument topic would be, and even the duration of the make-up session.

Breakfast that morning was an excited affair. Usually on a weekend, the Great Hall was quiet during the breakfast hours, but not today. Harry had crossed the floor, and sat at the Ravenclaw table next to Cho. The couple were silently enjoying each others company when something cold and wet was poured down Harry's back.

Harry stood and spun around, to be greeted with laughter from the Slytherin table. "What's the matter Potter? Wet yourself?"

"Ahh, Draco, there's that cutting dialog we have come to know and love. Well, when I say love, I actually mean get bored of."

Draco blinked. "Yeah, well, I'm not the one with wet robes am I?"

Harry looked down at Draco's robes and smirked. "You sure?"

Quick as a flash, Draco checked his robes. Harry laughed. "Couldn't help but look, could you."

Draco flashed him a look of pure loathing. "You need to use your potty, Potter."

Harry sighed and cast a drying charm on his robes. "You really are unarmed when it comes to a battle of wits, aren't you, Malfoy."

Draco leapt at Harry, only to land on the Ravenclaw table when Harry deftly sidestepped.

The silence in the Hall was immediate. Every student there heard Draco knock plates, cutlery and goblets to the stone floor. The teachers at the high table turned their attention on the pair.

It was with an almost palpable sense of relief for Harry that he and Cho managed to get out of the castle and down to the town with Ron and Hermione.

Ron and Hermione were in the 'post make-up bliss' phase that morning. Walking hand in hand, both couples wandered down the main street of Hogsmeade. Harry and Cho had made plans to visit the robes shop, since Harry had managed to grow out of his dress robes. The four made there way to Gladrags Wizardwear.

While Harry was measured by a floating measuring tape, Cho produced a brush and sat dreamily brushing her long, dark, luxurious hair. Harry felt like a store's dummy as the two girls discussed the various outfits he modelled for them.

After what felt like a particularly long potions lesson, Cho and Hermione decided on Harry's new robes. Cho put her brush down, got up and held her arms out for the measuring tape.

If Harry thought it took a long time to decide on his robes, he was in for a shock. He and Ron sat for what felt like hours, watching the girls make suggestions and counter suggestions with the speed and poise of a symphony conductor.

He and Ron looked at each other and sighed as the girls tried to create the perfect complimenting robes for Harry's date. They started discussing the upcoming Quiddich trials, and speculating on who would be picked as the Gryffindor keeper. Neither of the bored boys noticed a hand appear from beneath an invisibility cloak, and pick up the discarded brush.

Later in the day, the quartet made their way to the Three Broomsticks. The tavern was full to overflowing, with nearly every student above second year crammed in. The small group joined a table with some sixth-year Ravenclaw friends of Cho. Butterbeers were ordered and consumed.

Cho pointed out Draco Malfoy in the crowd. Harry noticed that though he was staring at him with hatred in his eyes, he hadn't come over to annoy them. "Maybe he is learning." Harry suggested.

"Took him long enough." Ron replied. "Only just over four years. Average for someone with Malfoy blood I suppose."

Hermione whispered something into Ron's ear. Harry watched as Ron's entire face went pink. Ron turned to Harry and Cho and said, "Do you guys mind if we leave you here? We are going, er..."

"Elsewhere?" Cho said with a grin.

"Yes," Hermione said firmly. She grabbed Ron's hand and literally dragged him out of the tavern. Harry and Cho smiled and shared a quick kiss.

"Like something else to drink?" he asked the table. Most of the girls wanted another butterbeer. Cho nodded, and Harry made his way to the bar and placed the order.

Harry picked up the next round of butterbeers, turned and set out to cross the crowded floor. He could make out his table through the throng of people in the bar. Malfoy had waited until Harry had left before leaning over and saying something to Cho.

Cho's face coloured. She picked up the remains of her drink and threw them into Draco's face. Tears streaming from her eyes, she ran out of the bar.

Harry stood stunned for a moment. Draco looked livid, staring at the stains on his new silk robes. He turned and stormed out of the bar after Cho.

Harry's heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. Dropping the drinks, he pushed and shoved his way through the crowd of people. As he broke through, and reached the door, professor Pritchart walked in. They collided, and fell down in a heap.

"Do you always treat your Defence teachers this way? No wonder Hogwarts seems to go through so many," the professor said as she stood, a small smile on her usually stern face.

"Professor! I'm sorry. Did you see where Malfoy was going?" Harry asked quickly, also rising to his feet.

"The stern faced auror frowned. "Yes, he was heading towards someone with long hair, I didn't recognise who."

"I have to go." Harry said as he pushed past the surprised teacher.

Harry looked around once outside. Draco was nowhere to be seen. Heart racing, Harry swore to himself. Over the noise in the bar, Harry could just make out Malfoy's indistinct voice cast a spell from behind the next building. Running faster than he ever had before, Harry sped round the corner of the building and came face to face with a scene from hell.

Cho lay on the ground quivering, her head thrown back, spine arched. Her mouth wide open in a silent scream of agony. Draco stood over her, his back to Harry, his wand pointing at Cho's heart. "Like the Cruciatus?" he sneered.

Rage flooded Harry. Never before had he been so angry. Not at Dudley's torment over the first decade of his life. Not when he had blown Aunt Marge up like a balloon. Not even when he thought Sirius had killed his parents. Harry's hair broke out of it's tie, weaving and twisting like medusa's snakes. He floated up almost three inches from the ground. The grass beneath Harry's feet smoked and charred. His robes billowed out and started to tear. All but blinded by the veil of red that had covered his vision, Harry was dimly aware of his hand drawing his wand and levelling it at Draco.

"STUPEFY!" he roared. Draco was blasted over Cho's form, now slumped in relief, mercifully free from Draco's magic.

Harry slowly regained control. His hair and clothes dropped. He floated back down to the ground. Breathing heavily, Harry took a step towards his girlfriend. From behind, he heard a voice say "Stupefy". Something hit him in the back of the head, and blackness overtook him.

Professor Pritchart stood over Harry with a rock in her hand. She looked at Cho and smiled. Cho smiled back and stood up. "Well done, our Master will be pleased. Very pleased."

The defence teacher nodded and turned to a nearby hedge. "Come out now please, Mr. Crabbe."

The chunky Slytherin student rose from behind the bushes. He grinned stupidly and walked out.

Cho turned to him and said, "Quickly boy, leap in front of Draco as though protecting him. I'll stun you too, it will make it look more real." Cho walked over and took the wand out of Harry's unresisting hand.

Crabbe nodded. In a shocking display of completely unrealistic acting, Crabbe leapt in front of the slumped body of his Slytherin housemate.

Cho smiled, and cast, "Avada Kedavra!"

The surprised expression on Crabbe's face would stay forever.

Cho turned back to Professor Pritchart, and smiled. She bent down and placed Harry's wand back into his unresisting hand.

"Lucius," said Professor Pritchart, smiling back. "You really are a complete bastard."

Harry woke slowly, his head aching. As the fog in he mind cleared, he slowly took in his surroundings. He was lying on a stone floor. Faintly glowing manacles shackled his hands. Four stone walls formed a small cell, with a single door. Harry frowned, he was in a cell. Had Voldemort captured him?

He got up, fought off a momentary dizziness, and knocked on the door. The sound of an unfamiliar spell being cast could be heard. The door glowed blue, and swung open.

Harry sighed in relief when he saw Professor Pritchart standing in the doorway. The relief faded when he saw her face. Always stern, it now had an expression of contempt and hatred.

"Potter. You are awake. Good. Time for you to answer some questions," she said flatly, leaving no room for argument.

Harry stared dumbly as two aurors stepped in and pointed their wands at him. "Move!" one ordered.

Harry silently followed professor Pritchart from the cell. During the entire trip, both unnamed aurors had their wands firmly pointed at Harry's back. They walked through the school and up to the Headmaster's office. Not a single student was seen in the corridors.

"Canary Creams," Professor Pritchart gave the password.

Entering the headmaster's office, Harry was directed to a chair and instructed to sit. Harry obeyed, though confusion clouded his mind. What on earth had happened to make his Defence instructor act so coldly to him? Why were there armed aurors treating him like a criminal?

A minute later professor Dumbledore, Minister Fudge and professor McGonagall entered. "Professor," Harry started, and began to rise out of his chair. Two wands were jammed into the back on his neck. Harry froze and slowly sank into the chair again.

"Harry," the headmaster began, his eyes holding none of their customary sparkle. "Would you please tell us what happened today."

Looking from face to serious face, Harry began to relate the day's events. The argument with Draco at breakfast, then meeting him in later in Hogsmeade. Finally, Harry told them how he followed Draco and found him torturing Cho. "I was just so angry. I stunned him. I heard someone cast a stunning spell behind me, and the next thing I knew, I was in the cell in the dungeons," Harry finished.

The minister and the three professors exchanged doubtful looks. Dumbledore turned to the Defence teacher. "Victoria, please obtain statements from Ms. Chang, Ms, Granger, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy, once he is released from Poppy's care." Professor Pritchart nodded, and left wordlessly. Dumbledore turned to Harry and looked grim.

"Harry, a student was killed this afternoon."

Harry gasped. "Who?" He looked around at the aurors, realisation dawning. "You think I did it?"

Dumbledore's lips set into a straight line. "Your wand was found in your hand. It had been used to cast the killing curse. Mr. Malfoy was found stunned, Mr. Crabbe on top of him. Ms. Chang was not at the scene. According to an eyewitness, Mr. Crabbe jumped in front of the killing curse you cast at Mr. Malfoy, while he lay stunned."

Harry was speechless. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"As Crouch taught you last year, the killing curse requires a great deal of power. You were completely unconscious when found, Harry. Not even the ennervation charm could wake you. That would have brought you back to consciousness if you had been stunned, as you claim. It would not have helped if, as seems to be the case, you had simply used all your magical energy."

Harry looked down and shook his head. This could not be happening. This must be a dream.

"You will be returned to the your cell," Dumbledore continued. "Unless you wish to revise your statement." The headmaster watched as Harry slowly shook his head. "Very well. The aurors here will escort you back. Consider yourself temporarily suspended from school. We will need you to answer some further questions later. Professor Pritchart has commandeered a small quantity of Veritaserum from the Ministry. You will be questioned under its influence formally."

Harry could only nod mutely. None of this was really happening.

Harry was frogmarched back to his cell, the locking charm turning the door red once he was safely inside.

What in Merlin's name was going on? he thought.

Several hours passed. Harry had earlier been taken to an interrogation room at Auror headquarters at the ministry. Harry had been answering questions fired at him by several different people. Never once had he deviated from his story.

Professors Dumbledore and Pritchart, and Minister Fudge entered, Dumbledore looking exceptionally grave. Fudge looked pleased. The Defence instructor spoke.

"Mr. Potter, I have personally interrogated both Draco and Lucius Malfoy under the influence of veritaserum. Mr Draco Malfoy states for the record that he was not with Ms. Chang at any time after she left the Three Broomsticks and that he has never cast the Crutiatus Curse. Examination of his wand confirms this fact. He says he was with his father when you ran round the corner and stunned him from behind. Lucius Malfoy confirms his son's story, that he was with him when you appeared and stunned Draco. He then states that he saw Mr. Crabbe leap in front of his son. He wanted it specifically recorded that he did not in fact see you cast the actual curse itself, as he was looking at his son at the time it was cast. I personally found all three at the scene, and both Lucius Malfoy and I have testified under veritaserum that no one else was at the scene."

Harry looked at Dumbledore, silently pleading that this was a joke.

"There's more," continued professor Pritchart. "A charms expert in the Auror ranks, myself and Professor Flitwick all independantly examined the crime scene for traces of magic. Signatures of only two spells were found in the area, cast in the last twenty-four hours. A stunning spell, and the killing curse. Both were cast from the same wand. There was no trace of the Crutiatus curse you claim was cast at Ms. Chang, nor the stunning spell you claim hit you from behind.

"Ms. Granger, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Chang are naturally upset that their friend is a suspect. They willingly agreed to be given veritaserum to help you. Their stories fit exactly with the Malfoys'."

Harry shook his head. "Cho was there, she was there..." he repeated.

"Your version of events does in fact fit up to a point with your friend's version. It is only after you knocked me over and them bolted that the stories differ. Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger both verify that the four of you went to Hogsmeade together. That after a few drinks in the Three Broomsticks, the pair left you and Ms. Chang alone. Ms. Chang's testimony agrees with Draco Malfoy's at this point. Mr. Malfoy admitted to insulting the memory of Cedric Diggory and suggesting that you killed him, just to get her as your girlfriend. She admits throwing her drink at him, and then ran out of the establishment. Ms. Chang claims she saw some friends of hers in the distance and ran to them for comfort. After they calmed her down, she returned to find you gone."

Dumbledore took out a vial of clear liquid. "Harry, I want to give you every possible opportunity to confirm your story. Please hold out your tongue."

Harry did so, and the headmaster placed a few drops on Harry's tongue. Harry closed his mouth and swallowed. Immediately, his mind fogged and he lost all sense of thought. Harry heard the Headmaster's voice ask him what happened. With all his might, Harry forced the fog out of his mind. He needed to concentrate.

Once his mind was clear, Harry again related the tale of the fateful afternoon. Everyone was listened in confusion. The story was identical to Harry's earlier claims.

The headmaster sat back, a deeply thoughtful expression on his face. Suddenly, Dumbledore looked sharply at Harry. "Do you know anyone who calls himself 'Snuffles'?" he asked.

Harry looked at Fudge and panicked. "No!" he shouted. Cornelius looked at the headmaster in confusion.

Dumbledore sat back and shook his head. "He has fought off the effects of the potion."

Everyone gasped in astonishment. "Veritaserum acts like a very specific Imperius curse, Harry. That is why it is so tightly controlled by the ministry." The Headmaster turned to the minister. "Harry was able to throw off the Imperius curse cast at him by Crouch last year. In all my decades of teaching, he is the only student to accomplish that."

He looked sadly back at Harry. "Unfortunately, it also means that we cannot trust anything he says under the influence of veritaserum," he said quietly.

Professor Pritchart walked over to Harry. "Mr. Potter, you are now under arrest pending your trial for the murder of Mr. Vincent Crabbe."


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