Content Harry Potter Crossovers


erwin posted a comment on Sunday 9th August 2009 3:56pm for Storming the fortress

Wow what a cliffhager! Please conutinue this story.

brad posted a comment on Friday 9th January 2009 11:55pm for Storming the fortress

Again, I think I'm missing stuff that would make this even better if I knew anything about the Highlander universe. Oh well. The Batman's the most important - as well as the eponymous - character of this story, right?

The Batman hit Ryan with some sort of 'beserker' drug, yeah? Good way to have the protagonist win against such overwhelming odds, which is always a good read. Much better way than, say, inventing a new rule of wand lore^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H quickening out of the air that no-one has ever seen before. :-)

I only watched a few episodes of the several television Highlighander series but it seemed to me that the immortals never really profited by each quickening ... after 45 minutes they'd lop off a head, lots of fireworks ... and then next episode they'd be exactly the same. In this chapter you've got Ryan inheriting 'more than a hundred centuries of power' ... I do hope you show us the repercussions. Does Ryan inherit 'power'? But it's not *physical* power - strength, etc - is it? How about skills and memories? That's more the feel I had when he was facing his adversary here.

Will Ryan be able to beat the Batman in a fight now? Too optimistic? Hold his own for thirty seconds? :-)

I wonder if - should he have any prestige in the immortal community - he can impose his well on his peers/subordinates? "No more killing for a thousand years".

Thanks for the new chapter!

Tammin posted a comment on Friday 9th January 2009 9:53am for Storming the fortress

This is a well written scene that is reminiscent of the Highlander series as well as the first movie. I enjoyed it greatly and I look forward to reading the next chapter.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 8th January 2009 7:15pm for Storming the fortress

Whoa, that's a powerful ending sequence. I'm looking forward to seeing how that power affects him and how he uses it.

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 7th January 2009 4:33am for Storming the fortress

Good idea to kill Cassandra while she was trying to control things. Her emotions surely wouldn't help. Ryan's are in barely better shape, but at least it isn't blind hatred.

Damn, you got his parents in it and everything.

Good story on the origin of Immortals.

> Actually taking the offensive was not even in the alphabet.
*laugh* I don't remember making Ryan this snarky, but I rather like the attitude.

> "Got any more advice?" he hissed.
> "Attack faster.

Liked the fight scene. Told us enough that we could "follow" the scene, but not so much to get bogged down. Ryan had a free shot at the unexpected "face to face" moment, but understandably wasn't prepared to take advantage of it.

Damn, that manipulative bastard. Hit Ryan with a dart of adrenaline or some sort of stimulant right when he's in/under the Master's guard.

That flashback moment running concurrent with the timeless moment before the Quickening . . . It was mostly well done. Part of it "greatest of our kind" shook the situation. The flashback notes were from the past, right? But how is "perhaps the greatest of our kind who ever lived" from something Duncan told him years ago . . . discontinuity tripped me up. Not trying to be down on you with that, just pointing out something that I noticed.

Looking forward to the aftermath. Assuming one of the Master's lieutenants doesn't kill Ryan while he's down, anyway.

artenry posted a comment on Wednesday 7th January 2009 2:23am for Storming the fortress

An interesting set of events...

I presume Batman was responsible, somehow, for Ryan's miraculous victory over the Master?

Anthony May posted a comment on Wednesday 7th January 2009 12:48am for Storming the fortress

What an excellent story. I truly enjoyed the cross-over with The Batman and the Highlander...who'd of thought it? Obviously someone with a great imagination and the skill to capture it on paper with the words just flowing. Thank you!

scott2 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th January 2009 10:42pm for Storming the fortress

...Awesome... :)

liquidfyre posted a comment on Tuesday 6th January 2009 9:38pm for Storming the fortress

oh holy SHIT

DAMN good story and damn good chapter PLEASE dont let it go so long without an update again this is the first highlander fan fic i have ever read and one of the best stories period