Content Harry Potter Crossovers


Jeffrey Meehan posted a comment on Sunday 14th December 2008 10:48pm for Another one bites the dust

OK Ive got to know where did you come up with this Zab character is he based on a teacher or what? Ive always wanted to know how to play mind games like he does.

Illusia posted a comment on Thursday 1st March 2007 5:37am for Another one bites the dust

I have a question. Why does Harry expect that a killing curse would destroy a soul or a part of one? Cedric's soul wasn't destroyed for instance, it went on to the next great adventure and came back when Harry and Voldemort were locked in a duel. So did Lily Potter. So really Voldemort's soul part wasn't destroyed on that fatefull halloween and it was that part of him that was used in his resurrection.
Besides, according to CoS the horcrux only remembers things and history to the date it was created (Tom in the diary had little knowledge because he was created while Tom was in school) and because Riddle made the horcruxes years (?) before killing Harry, his new resurrected body wouldn't have had that much information in the grave yard, right?
Following this, Harry probably has a few more horcruxes to destroy... I was interested how basilisk venom did destroy that diary horcrux though. Was it destroying the item, the ink or did it destroy the magic?

Merle posted a comment on Saturday 16th December 2006 12:29pm for Another one bites the dust

The fact that Dumbledore was actually under the imperious curse was quite a novel idea. The Harry/Dumbledore interactions are a lot of fun to read! Looking forward to Harry and Hermione's conversation, although it seems like that relationship will not be repair, unfortunately.

Uthamm posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 8:02am for Another one bites the dust

MUWAHAHAHAHAH! Snape . . . As a GHOST! Excellent work. Great story - good luck with the childrearing - one of the most frustrating and fufilling things I have ever done in my life.

crawfsh posted a comment on Friday 24th November 2006 11:23pm for Another one bites the dust

Fantastic chapter! I can hardly wait for the next. I wonder what Hermione will do the next time she sees Harry...

brad posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd November 2006 3:28am for Another one bites the dust

Glad to read the next chapter of this story!

Again, while reading this, I got the feeling that Harry is smarter than me ... or that Rab is teaching us both a logic lesson (and I'm failing the class). Like Harry's deduction that Snape is now a ghost -- (a) that's excellent, I love it when authors can bring in aspects of the magical world like that, where I wasn't expecting it; and (b) it would have taken me minutes more to think of that. It was a surprise when I read it, anyway.

Like I said last chapter, there was no reason for this time travel thing at all since the locket was in Harry's vault all the time. As you seemed to emphasise here - 'we were only trying to stop us from robbing me'. Still, as you said last time, it was a cool bit of time travel, so who cares? Luckily Harry was clever enough to work out that Harry was dumb enough to stage the robbery on his own vault ...

And once more Harry owes Dumbledore an apology (even if there were extenuating circumstances, given the horcrux's influence on his emotions). I hope he's brave enough to do the right thing again and make amends.

I *love* your theory of how horcruxes work, i.e. that a soul fragment is used each time the person is reincarnated. Great stuff.

And the limit on only being able to create horcruxes when one is in one's original pre-resurrected state is even better. I hate all those stories out there that don't cater for the possibility of Voldemort merrily fashioning further horcruxes as our heroes track down the first six. And none have ever 'used them up' as he's been reincarnated. I really enjoy the original and clever thinking that you bring to your writing.

You've got me worried regarding Zab and Harry's discussion about destroying (or not) horcruxes. Will Dumbledore destroy the locket? How would they know?


Just thought I'd point that out .... feel free to correct this oversight at any time ...

Hope all three members of the Draco family are now getting their sleep and that you might have some more writing time soon! Thanks for this chapter.

Zach posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd November 2006 12:49am for Another one bites the dust

Glad to see this updated. and on a smaller note just pray your child doesn't have add or adhd, you'll never have rest, i speak from the child's perspective. till next update ^_~

Amamama posted a comment on Sunday 19th November 2006 1:58pm for Another one bites the dust

Yes! Another update, thank you so much! I've been missing this stories, nice to see you've finally managed to get enough sleep during the night to get some commuting writing time. You know, I think every new parent steps into that particular trap. I never realized it would take 5 years from the birth of my first to having two uninterrupted nights of sleep in a row. Even single nights were rare. Thank goodness I'm not going there again!

I like to see Harry's reasoning abilities growing, he's becoming more mature. And poor students - having to suffer two ghost teachers! And this is a ghost that will drift through you while you're doing a test just to make you shiver and lose concentration. Nasty.

Well done!


JBern posted a comment on Saturday 18th November 2006 10:06am for Another one bites the dust

Congrats on the new edition to the family. I liked the new chapter, though when Harry was thinking about the people at school you say Davies was a Slytherin. Roger was a Ravenclaw, though you were probably talking about Tracey Davis.

Would have liked to seen a Hermione scene, but I can wait to see how their relationship pans out. Blaise was good. Zab was very well done as well.


DaZZa posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 8:34pm for Another one bites the dust

Congratulations on your new edition - but I'm afraid it takes a *lot* longer than a year or so before you get back to normal - especially when SWMBO decides, after 8 months or so, that she wants number 2....

Deborahsu posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 4:32pm for Another one bites the dust

Good! Next? ;-)

morriganscrow posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 9:04am for Another one bites the dust

I'm gobsmacked! I am so enjoying this story! I have to say it - it's ten times the book HBP was.
Please update before I either go insane, or have to hunt you down.

Crys posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 9:01am for Another one bites the dust

I wasn't laughing at you, Draco. I was sympathizing with you.


Oh, Harry . . . Now you need to go and apologize to AD. He didn't lie to you (at least about this) and your dramatics are really and truly incomprehensible to him.

Fun story. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Oh, and good luck with being a new Dad. Most terrifying and most wonderful experience all rolled up in one.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 7:27am for Another one bites the dust

Very good. I really am enjoying this story.


cmatbmed posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 5:52am for Another one bites the dust

So Snape has a major life dept that he owes, hmmm. Thanks for finding the time to share. As always this was a great chapter.


Prince Charon posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 2:36am for Another one bites the dust

Interesting. Very, very interesting. posted a comment on Friday 17th November 2006 12:18am for Another one bites the dust

OUTSTANDING CHAPTER!!!! About your lovely A/N at the begining of the chapter, ok I'll admit I did laugh but being divorced and the one with the kids all of them under the age of 4 makes it even less likely for me to get any sleep what so ever. But look at it this way when they're Harry's age you'll wish they never grew up so count it as a blessing I think. Anyways I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Everytime you update this story gets better and better. I hope Harry and Hermione can reconcile there differences and get back together. I also hope that eventually they'll have kids that is to say that Harry and Blaise will make a bundle of joy together and Harry and Hermione will make a bundle of joy together or at least thats my firm hope anyways. As always DO keep up the amazingly awesome and outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)

IceBlades posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 11:47pm for Another one bites the dust

its been a while, but it was worth it. not as worth as some of the other chapters, but i know that there will be better ones in the future. great chapter, keep writing

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 10:52pm for Another one bites the dust

And the plot thickens nicely. You're doing a good job of integrating the info from HBP into your story line. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, brings Hermione back.

10chi posted a comment on Thursday 16th November 2006 9:58pm for Another one bites the dust

As someone who has just had this second son, I understand wholeheartedly where you are coming front. Excellent work yet again. Hope to hear from you soon.