Content Harry Potter Crossovers


gtgrouch posted a comment on Sunday 10th August 2014 3:06am for Here we go again.

Oh joy.

But it makes a good premise for a story!

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Thursday 8th December 2011 4:59am for Here we go again.

This is an interesting start. While it is obviously too late to change things, a better continuation of this series might have been one that didn't involve Tom Riddle.

Andrius posted a comment on Monday 14th July 2008 11:03pm for Here we go again.

Yay threesome! Harry you lucky dog :)

Zane Wyrick posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 7:50pm for Here we go again.

Yes, here we go again.
"...but will not forget."
Funny as hell.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 17th July 2006 11:03am for Here we go again.

Great story. I do hope Riddle will be a very minor part of the story. I eant some good times for Harry stories. The stomp on Harry in as many ways as you can stories get old quick.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 6:17pm for Here we go again.



noylj posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 7:25am for Here we go again.

Oh no, not the ever recurring dead villian comes back to life. Oh god, I hate those stories, but I love the characters. Please, let Riddle be dead or, at least, let him be truly gone after this. Harry can have other enemies, but not the same dead enemy who can't be killed. No, no, no....

Steven Augart posted a comment on Wednesday 26th October 2005 1:16pm for Here we go again.

Zab looked on the verge of having an apoplexy.

I suggest "Zab looked on the verge of apoplexy. "An apoplexy" isn't something you have; it doesn't sound right to my ears. You could also have said "Zab looked on the verge of having a stroke.", or "Zab looked on the verge of having a fit of apoplexy."

The only reason I'm bothering to pick this nit is because I love the story, and I want it to be as good as possible!

Nick posted a comment on Monday 17th October 2005 6:25pm for Here we go again.

What can't Hermione know and Zab probably suspects? That Harry isn't as out of touch with the Wizarding world as he pretends? That he is building a spy network? That he is actually the (as yet unnamed) Minister of Magic? many choices.
Very nice intro by the way, I wonder if we'll (that is Harry...) get to meet the rest of the (probably soon to be disgruntled) parenting committee? Perhaps Blaise could compare notes with Dr.'s Granger and Granger.
Though for that matter I wonder how the rest of the world would take Harry Potter's living arrangements... certainly would be Interesting to see the Dursleys again (to prove that Hermione does have a sadistic side?) ...
On a different note...How much money does Harry have now? His original (Potter) inheritance was "close to thirty thousand galleons" and he probably got half (James's, Lily's and his own share...I do wonder what they decided to do with Wormtail's share-maybe donated it to a rat extermination company?) of the Black fortune (which was probably significantly larger, since the Blacks were an old, established pureblood family...though, granted, so were the Gaunts...), plus he is a full partner in the WWW....Ok so he is probably pretty damn rich. Maybe around 100k? Bah--not enough information to really get a feel for it, though he was able to make an 800 galleon downpayment without too much trouble.
Hmmm....I wonder what the "old crowd" (that is the ministry five, or at least Harry's old classmates) are doing? Crap. The timeframe keeps throwing me off. I keep thinking that it's been more than a year since Harry took his NEWTs/finished the apprenticeship. Luna and Ginny are still in school and not starting up their own newspaper. Though I do wonder about Neville.

DaBear posted a comment on Wednesday 24th August 2005 9:22am for Here we go again.

Very cool, I am happy to see a continuation of this story. Are you planning on including the Horcrux idea in this?

Goyana posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2005 12:02pm for Here we go again.

Great chapter, cant wait for the next 1

Kris posted a comment on Wednesday 10th August 2005 10:09am for Here we go again.

VERY COOL! I was seriously pissed when I couldn't find Apprentice Potter on Fanfiction any more. I'm extreamly glad I found your new site! Can't wait for the next chapter of Journeyman to come out! I bet it'll be great! ;)

Kabre posted a comment on Thursday 4th August 2005 10:23am for Here we go again.

damn, son. humor, supense, action, drama... all rolled into one spectacular chapter; i hope (but don't expect) you'll update quickly. Either way, the wait is worth it for this.

Anand posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd August 2005 6:54am for Here we go again.

Damn, I love this story, and this universe. Harry is fantastic. Can't wait to see the eventual meeting between Harry and Albus.

John Wilburn posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd August 2005 1:55pm for Here we go again.

Glad to see you continuing the Apprentice Potter Story. I really like this new fic, it is in my opinion very well written. Keep up the good work.