Content Harry Potter Crossovers


noreenklose posted a comment on Monday 2nd April 2018 7:50pm for Mopping up

Excellent story. I suppose the portkey goes directly to the Ministry holding cells. Oh, well...on to Master Potter which I wish you had finished. Thank you for writing. I enjoyed reading this series.

Noble Korhedron posted a comment on Thursday 19th June 2014 9:31am for Mopping up

PLEASE, for the love of Merlin, FINISH. MASTER. POTTER?! PLEASE?

Lerris Smith posted a comment on Friday 9th December 2011 9:39pm for Mopping up

This is a pretty good story overall. I only really saw a couple issues. First his relationships with Blaise and Hermione seem a bit weak in this story. It may have been useful to spend more time on them. Second, the use of a time turner to get out of jams is perhaps a bit convenient.

delrusant posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 8:30am for Mopping up

Unexpected ending with a lot of unresolved plots which make this fic less stand alone than most fanfic and professional novels. The pace and the story is very enjoyable and at least Draco's slytherin side appears per moments and Harry is not the only one who has progressed. In the mean time, the old cast continue to cling to power in every possible way and treachery appears not as an esaier way but as the only viable way in the political sphere of the wizarding world. In this view it is a bit to manichean whereas the only powerfull muggle figure (the pope) tries to take less (or only seems?) the treacherous way as the only one (it might be also because he takes more the bible to into its hearts instead of just keeping and seeking power.

Slytherdor7 posted a comment on Friday 19th June 2009 2:42pm for Mopping up

Great Fic. Can't wait to read the ending.
Please email me a notification when you update?

crazynuts16 posted a comment on Sunday 12th April 2009 1:30pm for Mopping up

does the name "gunn high" mean anything to you?

kyoshi711 posted a comment on Monday 9th March 2009 2:11pm for Mopping up

Your writing is excellent. There is excitement going on all the time. I read some flicks and pray that eventually it will get better but they just drone on and on. Keep up the good work! Best regards

dimriver posted a comment on Sunday 16th November 2008 7:05pm for Mopping up

Good story.

Tabi posted a comment on Sunday 20th July 2008 7:27pm for Mopping up

Yes, I enjoyed it, immensely.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 30th April 2008 2:38pm for Mopping up

Outstanding story.


brad posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 3:03am for Mopping up

Enjoyable chapter, although I was surprised you ended the novel at this point. Still, you're continuing straight on without a pause with 'Master Potter', so no harm, no questions left unanswered yet, the movie is still running.

I always get a kick out of your stories, in enjoying the 'intelligence' of your Harry. I've no doubt read other stories with a clever!Harry - always much more satisfying than the go-where-the-vision-or-instinct-takes-me!Harry of canon - but I think the first-person's perspective (have I got the term right?) just makes Harry's cleverness, and the intricacy of the plot, that much more blatant/obvious for the reader to follow. Reading your stories, almost the only first-person ones I can think of (jbern is a fairly new entrant), is a real change and a real pleasure.

Applause for Harry and his conscience, still hesitant to kill. It'd be hard for we readers to fully invest ourselves in the story if the hero was otherwise.

I do hope that Harry recovers his wand. In both this chapter and Master Potter you/Harry have made clear his attachment to it, for both emotional and practical reasons.

The appearance of Snape was totally unexpected ... was this the first time that the issue of his life debt holding him back was mentioned? 'Cause it was a surprise to me here. I thought Harry was going to ask Snape about Malfoy's location, but I guess Snape wouldn't know, Malfoy had contacted him from the (now destroyed) hideout. Thanks for the chapter and the story!

Morgan Hackett posted a comment on Monday 3rd March 2008 1:04pm for Mopping up


Minerva Granger posted a comment on Sunday 2nd March 2008 7:36pm for Mopping up

I am strongly looking forward to reading Master Potter. And I sincerely hope that Harry gets his Holly wand back. Congratulations. Next story, please.

Wolfric posted a comment on Wednesday 27th February 2008 12:03am for Mopping up

I have just read Apprentice and Journeyman; I enjoyed them very much. You have a plausible explanation for why Dumbledore tolerates Snape. Arsehole Harry was a lot of fun. I don't completely understand Zab's need to be "dead" but perhaps that will become clearer in "the next great adveture" yet to be posted. Thanks for writing. W.

sanghamitra posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 9:07pm for Mopping up

Er.. you're ending the story with a cliffhanger !!

JP posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 5:57am for Mopping up

Superb. Many thanks and looking forward to the next installment...
The Wombat

mekareami posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 12:28am for Mopping up

ACK For a second there I thought the story was over! I have enjoyed the series so far and I eagerly await Master Potter :) Thank you very much for writing and I hope the baby is sleeping thru the night now.

TheHard posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 6:37pm for Mopping up

No way!!! That is it? but, that just a cliffhanger! (or whatever is that called)...

Well, i can't seem to be sad, because a new story is in the making... isn't? :)

Thanks for sharing

Renzo7 posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 1:29pm for Mopping up

Awesome work, all around. Fun to read, interesting twists... I just regret not seeing much of a relationship between Harry and his girls... Maybe for the last one you can include them a bit more? Thanks for this great story, keep it up and please update soon.

Ravenclawchaser68 posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 9:36am for Mopping up

Great chapter. It's nice to hear from you again. I like how you've developed Draco. He's still a bit of an idiot (or maybe more than a bit), but he's at least learned something over the last few years.

I liked the action in this chapter, it was pretty exciting. I'm also very interested to see how Harry puts Snape to use, and what happens with Kellerman. An intelligent bad guy with a time turner could be extremely dangerous, though on the other hand, being able to move forward or backward a couple hours might only change his time of death, as that basilisk is pretty dangerous too.

I can't wait (though of course I will wait as long as it takes) for Master Potter. Thanks for writing!