Content Harry Potter Crossovers


Ken Warner posted a comment on Wednesday 12th October 2005 4:36pm for The Art of Larceny

Wow - nice place to leave things hanging, by the spidey gloves no less.
I read the apprentice and JM up to this point in the last 24 hours and am very impressed by some of the highly original ways you have worked out the issues in canon - Thanks for your efforts - they are much appreciated.
warmest regards

Michael posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 2:58pm for The Art of Larceny

This is an absolutley incredible fic I have enjoyed reading it so much over the past week and I can not wait for you to write more, keep it up. You are a very talented writer


Lucia posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2005 12:34pm for The Art of Larceny

wow. i hope you update soon, I have a feeling that the next chapter will be even more fun :) Is the pope magical? Why else keep that basement of evil things around?

Brad posted a comment on Tuesday 4th October 2005 5:27am for The Art of Larceny

A different feel to the chapter, given that most of it is purely narrative from Harry's point of view as he slithers around the Vatican, but a pleasure to discover the contents of his magical box of tricks as he employs his various devices and spells along the way. You've put a lot of thought into the mechanics of your HP world and all its details. Invisibility suits, 'stigmata' paste (evil, you are! And/or sacrilegious?), spiderman gloves (and the limits of same), knocking down the wall rather than the door, the list goes on. Good stuff.

I enjoyed the conversation with the Basilisk. It's always nice to read of Harry doing something that truly *is* unique, the result of a talent only he possesses.

Looking forward to seeing what the Pope has to say when he meets Harry again ... hopefully the latter's soliciticousness when he destroyed the horcrux will be repaid. Thanks for the chapter, and have a good & safe trip home!

Meg posted a comment on Monday 3rd October 2005 3:12pm for The Art of Larceny

More. Soon. Please!

Lovin' the story.


Machiavelli Jr posted a comment on Monday 3rd October 2005 2:30pm for The Art of Larceny

Er, a Basilisk's gaze kills you; the survivors in CoS were so incredibly annoying because they all got lucky - reflections, ghosts, cameras etc. The Swiss Guards would be expecting to retrieve dead bodies. Still, cool chapter. Why is the Pope collecting so much Dark stuff? Has to be something good. KUTGW.

Crys posted a comment on Monday 3rd October 2005 6:26am for The Art of Larceny

Love Harry's sarcastic humor.

Interesting Mission: Impossible break-in you have going.

One thing, though. Aren't you a bit concerned about how badly you're trashing the Catholic Church, here. I mean, a BASILISK? Yikes.

Anyway, entertaining story. Looking forward to more!

Adam posted a comment on Sunday 2nd October 2005 11:03pm for The Art of Larceny

lol, ahh dont you just love days like that. Talk about going from bad to worse.