Content Harry Potter Crossovers


gtgrouch posted a comment on Monday 11th August 2014 4:07pm for Sirius Plagiarism

Great start to a story! I see that it is unfinished, which is a problem, since this author is excellent at obscuring the end of the story in circuitous plot twists. However, the writing is excellent, the characterization is good, and I fully intend to enjoy what there is written here.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 7th December 2009 11:22am for Sirius Plagiarism

Very good chapter, now it is time for some payback.


ernichol posted a comment on Tuesday 6th May 2008 11:31am for Sirius Plagiarism

On a second read of this chapter I saw a nitpick. If harry's pushing abilities ignore newtonian physics, then he should be able to push the front of the boat and get propulsion. Based on the idea that pushing the water behind didn't create an equal and opposite reaction creating thrust, pushing the boat with him in it would not create as force in the reverse direction canceling the forward one. he didn't have to make indentations in the water to move forward. i thought id bring it to attention if you want to clarify later. you didn't specify which newtonian laws so you could ignore the issue if you wanted to. still a wicked awesome story

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 30th April 2008 8:32pm for Sirius Plagiarism

Very good chapter, time for some payback.


Nanio posted a comment on Saturday 26th April 2008 12:00am for Sirius Plagiarism

Now that is an awesome way to break out of Azkaban. I love how your Harry is such a scrapper. Most people never really think about how resourceful Harry really is.

So what has he lost so far? Both wands, his gloves, his invisibility cloak, his time-turner... and a bunch of other stuff i can't think of. it's going to be a bi*** for him to replace all of those things, I bet.

ginners posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 8:09am for Sirius Plagiarism

Awesome story so far ^_^

I think the Harry/Blaise pairing is brilliant, and coudn't of been done better too.

Update Soon

Fenris Ulf posted a comment on Friday 25th April 2008 3:29am for Sirius Plagiarism

Finally caught up. Decided to restart the story from the beginning and read straight through. A very enjoyable, page turning read. I can't wait for the next chapter it will be interesting to see how Harry deals with being dead. Wonder how Hermione is going to take it? She seemed rather depressed last we saw her will this make her suicidal? Would like to see the other charecters reaction to harry being "dead" hehe think of all the great pranking possibilities.


ernichol posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2008 3:33pm for Sirius Plagiarism

i read straight through journeyman and into master potter. This is a very fun read. well writen and enjoyable characters too. keep up the good work

jupimako posted a comment on Sunday 13th April 2008 2:39am for Sirius Plagiarism

really really really really awesome chapter!!! i'm eagerly awaiting more XD.

sillyfish posted a comment on Friday 11th April 2008 12:47pm for Sirius Plagiarism

I Love your stories. Please keepn going!

Hemotem posted a comment on Monday 7th April 2008 9:39pm for Sirius Plagiarism

Great read thank you


vasilis01 posted a comment on Monday 7th April 2008 8:57am for Sirius Plagiarism

Excellent. I loved the way you dealt with Fudge. Keep writing.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Sunday 30th March 2008 5:22pm for Sirius Plagiarism

Well, I've managed to read Apprentice and Journeyman in two days, and got to this point rather quickly, can't wait for the rest!

timmerator posted a comment on Friday 28th March 2008 7:36am for Sirius Plagiarism

Whoo-hoo, some guys have all the fun... but really, this guy got real stupid all of a sudden. mind you he didn't have any visible means of returning home without some help, but to trust anyone involved with the ministry does not reflect the character you developed in previous chapters(this guy could have been a DE in hiding). And where was his Legilimencey when interacting with this embassy stooge? I feel he would have contacted his mentor or he would of had a backup contact already in place that could provide minimal assistance. (his mentor tried to get him to see the nessesity of a covert intel organization so as not to be alone or underinformed when making a sudden decision) anyway... having said all that, I like the Askaban segment... some real original stuff I haven't seen around.

your work always entertains and delights me, thanks

Aelita posted a comment on Tuesday 25th March 2008 7:25am for Sirius Plagiarism

WOW! Please update this soon! I love it so much!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 22nd March 2008 10:31am for Sirius Plagiarism

Great escape. I'm guessing now that this story is less about Horcruxes & Voldemort and more about Harry vs Wizarding World, which is going to think he's an imposter. Unless he decides to stay officially dead on his own like Zab.

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Friday 21st March 2008 11:52am for Sirius Plagiarism

Great story, don't stop now!

Tabraiz Rasul posted a comment on Friday 21st March 2008 10:50am for Sirius Plagiarism

love the story----stories cuz i love all of them-- can't wait for the update on "master potter" so ummm update soon.

Aflibble posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 9:52am for Sirius Plagiarism

more please

mydlak1 posted a comment on Thursday 20th March 2008 6:28am for Sirius Plagiarism

Gah! Impressive chapter ;) Loved the escape ^^