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Midnight Duel, Midday Love
What is Right?

By Draco664

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What is right?

Cho sat at the top of the Astronomy tower, her mind whirling.

Outwardly, she looked calm and collected, seemingly at peace with Harry going to the ball with Ginny. Truth be told, she had been fine with it. Not any more. More than one person had asked her if she was OK with it. Each time she dismissed the situation with a wave of her hand. Once everyone had left for the ball, she left the library and ran here to be alone.

Now, sitting alone with her thoughts, Cho was worried.

She just didn't know why.

Harry had repeatedly declared his love for her. He always lit up when he was around her, even those who didn't know him knew he loved her.

It was also well known that Ginny liked Harry. When Ginny came up to her that night in the library and said 'Bad luck' while she patted Cho's shoulder, Cho had felt physically ill. She knew then that Ginny would try something with Harry at the ball, and that Harry would finally convince her that he and Cho were not going to be split up.

But Cho's heart was racing, and a feeling of unease was slowly growing into downright worry.

No, it wasn't worry about Harry's devotion to her. Cho knew he loved her, knew it in her heart, her mind and her soul. It certainly wasn't Harry's fidelity she was worried about. Then what was it?

Cho sighed and closed her eyes, using a meditation technique her grandfather had taught her. Normally, she would reach a state of complete calm in seconds, but tonight that level of relaxation eluded her.

Cho opened her eyes and frowned. Her grandfather once told her that her grandmother had the Sight. In an attempt to honour her grandmother, Cho had taken Divination for three frustrating years at Hogwarts, giving up the subject after only receiving an acceptable for her OWL. The Divination professor had completely lost any respect Cho might have had, especially after Cho been rebuffed after asking her about doing some Chinese divination methods in class. Cho tried to put the rubbish Trelawney had taught her out of her mind.

No, something was wrong with Harry. He was in danger. Another teacher was with him.

Cho blinked at the unexpected thought. Why wouldn't another teacher be with Harry? He was at the ball, all the teachers were there. Why would he be in danger?

Cho rolled her eyes at the last thought. Like Harry needed a reason to be in danger.

Cho frowned and tried to relax again. She cleared her mind, closed her eyes and thought about Harry. An involuntary smile touched her lips. Cho thought about Harry's own lips, gently but firmly pressing against her own.

Smoke. She smelled smoke.

Cho's eyes flashed open, and she sniffed the air around her in a particularly unladylike fashion. Nothing.

Now Cho was starting to panic. The smoke had been so real. Harry was in danger. He wasn't at Hogwarts.

Cho swallowed nervously and concentrated. Concentrated on smoke and Harry and danger.

Cho leapt to her feet and bolted for the door, the sudden image of Harry dodging curses hurled at him by Pritchart in front of a burning building etched into her mind.

Ginny lay in a sterile hospital bed, gnawing on her thumbnail. Madam Pomfrey left her alone briefly; she had gone to fetch the Headmaster to tell him that she was awake.

She wished she wasn't.

Attaining consciousness was painful, thought not physically. The blessed unthinking darkness had parted, and now Ginny was wracked with guilt for her actions.

Her shoulders shuddered as she tried to contain the tears that demanded to be shed. The pain in her recently healed, but not fully mended ribs simply added to the urgency, and Ginny began to weep softly.

In her mind's eye she saw Harry. Not a sweet, smiling Harry, but a Harry whose expression held shock, betrayal and anger. Since Harry's return to the wizarding world, he had looked at Ginny with affection, even sisterly love. At the time, it hadn't been enough. Now, Ginny would give all she had and would ever have just to see those feelings in his eyes once more. Now, she knew that those beautiful emerald orbs would never look at her with fondness again.

Ginny leaned back against the pile of pillows behind her, even though it caused pain to shoot through her chest.

Vaguely, she could hear her brother yelling outside the door to the infirmary. Hermione's voice joined his as the volatile pair had yet another argument. Instinctively, Ginny knew Ron was defending her, demanding that something be done to track down Harry.

Between sobs, Ginny admitted to herself that she was particularly unworthy of such brotherly love.

Suddenly, the voices outside the door stopped. With a faint creak, the door opened to reveal Dumbledore, her father, Madam Pomfrey, Ron and Hermione.

Ginny immediately looked down at her hands, too ashamed to meet the gazes of her family.

Mr. Weasley sprinted over to his daughter and with particularly un-Arthur-like emotion, wrapped one arm around Ginny's shoulders, and cradled her head with the other.

This made Ginny cry even harder. Even when showing his love for her, her dad still made sure she wasn't in pain. Her mother would have grabbed her in a bear hug without thought for her tender ribs.

"My poor little Pumpkin, I was so worried about you." whispered Arthur, using his nickname for his daughter while rocking gently forwards and backwards.

As upset as she was, Ginny didn't feel worthy of the pet name her father had bestowed upon her. Her sobs intensified until she was crying freely.

Ron placed a hand on her knee. "It's Ok, Gin. We'll find Harry, and make sure he gets-" Ron looked sourly at Hermione before continuing. "-make sure he apologises."

Ginny shook her head frantically, unable to speak through her tears. Predictably, Ron misunderstood.

"It's alright, Gin. We won't let him hurt you again."

Arthur Weasley turned his head and glared at his son. "Ron, take a deep breath and count to ten. While doing that, I'd like you to think of the events that occurred after the last time everyone believed Harry did something out of character." he said sternly.

Ron paled, his eyes widening in shock at his father's words. He then cupped his face with his hands. "Oh, man. Harry, I'm sorry." he mumbled to himself. Hermione walked over to his side and slipped an arm around his shoulders.

"Ron, I know your instinct to protect Ginny is strong, but for goodness sake, please think before you act. Harry had a black eye for three days the last time you didn't." she said to her boyfriend gently.

"What's this?" asked Arthur, his pale red eyebrows expressing his curiosity.

"Nothing important. Just a misunderstanding, Mr. Weasley." replied Hermione.

Arthur nodded and turned back to Ginny and kissed the top of her head. He gently placed his cheek where he just kissed her and closed his eyes, still slowly rocking his sobbing daughter.

Madam Pomfrey walked over to the other side of Ginny's bed and checked her pillows and sheets. Nodding to the headmaster, she turned and went to her office, closing the door with a faint click behind her.

Dumbledore summoned a chair and sat down next to the hospital bed. "Arthur, I believe we need to talk with Virginia, to let her tell us the events of this evening from her point of view."

Arthur nodded, but was silently surprised at the way Ginny tightened her grip on his robes at the announcement.

The ancient wizard turned to Ron and Hermione. "I believe Miss Weasley will require some support later this evening, but for now, I'd like to speak with her and her father alone."

Hermione nodded and clasped Ron's hand in her own. The pair reluctantly left the hospital ward.

Arthur slowly let go of his daughter's shoulders and sat down on a chair, but never let her hand go.

Dumbledore took a deep breath. "Miss Weasley, I know that you have just awoken and I know that you have just experienced an assault on your person by a friend, but I would ask you to tell us exactly what happened this evening."

Ginny bit her lip, and looked nervously from her father to Dumbledore. The headmaster's face grew stern. "If you do not wish to explain, I cannot force you to. However, as events stand, Harry will be expelled from Hogwarts when he returns."

"No!" Ginny exclaimed, startling her father. She turned to look at her father and grabbed his hand in both of hers. "Daddy! Don't let him! Please! He can't expel Harry! It wasn't his fault!" she babbled.

Arthur was somewhat taken aback by Ginny's unexpected outburst, and missed Dumbledore closing his eyes, a pained expression of the confirmation of his fears on his face. "Ginny! Shhh, you are safe here. No one is going to hurt you."

Ginny ignored him, still desperately shaking her head, hyperventilating and unable to speak in her panic.

"Breathe, Ginny, relax and breathe." her father whispered in her ear while gently squeezing her hands. As Ginny slowly calmed he smiled and cupped her cheek with his palm. "That's better. Just relax; you're safe here with me."

Ginny continued to shake her head. "But you can't expel Harry. Please professor!"

"Harry made an unprovoked attack on you with magic, Virginia. He injured you sufficiently that you required hospitalisation. He ran from the scene, neglecting to get you medical assistance. He assaulted and hospitalised a professor who sought to find and restrain him. There is no other outcome but expulsion." Dumbledore said softly.

Ginny started crying again, her tears running down her wet cheeks and silently dripped onto her robes. "No, please don't." she whispered, unable to draw enough air into her lungs to speak.

Arthur frowned and put his arm around Ginny's shoulders. "Pumpkin, why are you so adamant that Harry not be expelled? Do you still like him?"

Ginny nodded. "But that's not why he shouldn't be expelled." she sniffed.

"Then why, Virginia?" asked Dumbledore gently.

An expression of pure self-loathing crossed Ginny's beautiful face. "It wasn't his fault." she whispered softly.

Dumbledore gave Arthur a sympathetic look before turning back to Ginny. "Virginia. Is there something you'd like to tell us?"

Ginny swallowed, and nodded slightly. "It was me." she mouthed.

Arthur frowned. "What do you mean, Pumpkin?"

"It was me." she repeated, her whisper only just audible.

"What was you?" asked Ginny's father.

"I took the potion." whispered Ginny. "The potion that Harry made."

Dumbledore sighed. "Why, Virginia?" he asked gently.

Ginny screwed her eyes shut and shook her head. "I don't know! I'm so ashamed." she wailed.

Arthur's face betrayed his confusion. "What potion, Albus?"

Dumbledore took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You are aware that the Department of Mysteries now knows the recipe for a more potent version of polyjuice potion. My own Professor Snape has been credited with the discovery."

"Yes, I'm aware of that. If it wasn't for the secrecy involved, Severus would have received the Order of Merlin. Developing such a potion has given the Ministry a powerful weapon in the war."

Dumbledore nodded. "What was not disclosed to the Unspeakables was that Mr. Potter was the potion's co-creator."

Arthur's eyes widened. "Harry? From what Ron's told me over the years, Severus would prefer to take poison than work with him."

Dumbledore smiled faintly. "Yes, the pair have had their differences in the past. For the last couple of months though, the entire school thought Severus had given Harry detention three times a week. In fact, they were intently and secretly developing several new or improved potions. One of which is the new polyjuice potion."

Arthur nodded and turned back to Ginny. "What do you mean that you took it, Ginny?"

Dumbledore held up a hand. "Perhaps it would be easier on Virginia if I was to tell you what happened the night the potion was completed."

Ginny looked at the headmaster gratefully, and then bowed her head in shame.

Taking her silence as affirmation, he continued. "Severus told me that the evening the pair completed the potion, Harry siphoned off a single dose to test. Since it was less than an hour before the evening meal, he decided to wait until the next morning to test it.

"At the time, Harry was estranged from Miss Chang. The pair hadn't spoken to each other since the day Harry was attacked by that first golem we procured. Miss Granger decided to step in and encourage them to talk to each other. Miss Chang was collected from Ravenclaw Tower and escorted to the Gryffindor common room and was from there directed to Harry's dorm. There she heard what appeared to be Harry and another student being intimate."

Arthur shook his head. "I remember being involved in intimate relations during my stay here too, Albus. What does this have to do with Ginny?"

With a deep breath, Dumbledore continued. "Miss Chang was distraught and ran from the room. Miss Granger went up into Harry's room to confront him. She discovered there, in a very intimate embrace, both Harry and Miss Chang."

"But you said-" began Arthur before his mouth opened in shock. He slowly turned to face his daughter, who began sobbing again.

"Yes, Arthur. Someone had taken the dose of Polyjuice Harry prepared, assumed his girlfriend's form and raped him."

Ginny was still clutching her father's hand. "I'm so sorry, Daddy. I'm so very sorry." she whispered.

Arthur swallowed, and looked at his daughter sternly. He did not however, remove his hand from hers. "Ginny, I don't know what to say. I cannot believe you would do such a thing."

With a cry, Ginny tried to wrench her hand away, but Arthur refused to let go.

"Oh, no you don't, Pumpkin. I'm upset with you, but I still love you with all my heart. I won't let you go now, not when it is obvious you need me." he told her gently.

"How?" Ginny mouthed, her face splotchy and red with both tears and self-loathing. "How do you still love me?"

Gently, Arthur gathered his daughter in his arms. "Because, you are my daughter. Nothing you do will ever stop me loving you."

"I don't deserve it." she mumbled.

"Of course you do. You will now need to face the consequences of your actions, but I will still be with you, always."

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Fortunately, Arthur, there will be no consequences, not publicly anyway."

"What? What are you talking about? Ginny violated Harry's trust, his friendship and his love. I'm surprised you aren't considering charging her formally."

Dumbledore closed his eyes as if defeated. "Arthur, the wizarding world needs you now. As Minister, you are the figurehead of the Light. Until Voldemort is finally defeated or brought to justice, you cannot have any stain on your character. Having your daughter charged with rape will undoubtedly lead to calls for your forced resignation."

Arthur stared at Dumbledore as if he had gone mad. "I can not believe you would say that, Albus. The one thing I have stood for in the Ministry is honesty." Arthur's voice rose in anger. "Now, you are suggesting that the only way for me to remain as Minister is to turn my back on the one thing I demand from everyone around me? How could you? How could you do this to Harry? If Ginny isn't charged, you will have to expel him! How much more will you demand from the boy? He has given us his life, his honour, his sanity and health, his everything to the wizarding world! We are safer now than anytime in the last four decades because of his sacrifices! Now, you want more? How could you? No! How dare you?" he raged.

Dumbledore looked Arthur in the eye. "It is precisely because you are honest that we need you to remain in power, Arthur. Please. It does no one good for you to throw your position away to salve your honour."

"Does no one good?" demanded Arthur. "What about Harry? These circumstances would allow him to remain at Hogwarts and complete his education. I think it would do him good!"

Dumbledore's shoulders slumped, and he slowly removed his half-moon glasses. With his free hand he gently rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It is times like this that I feel my age, Arthur." he said softly. "No matter what I decide to do, people will suffer. The damage Fudge did to the Ministry's reputation will take years, even decades to repair.

"You are the only man who can do it, Arthur. You are famed for your lack of personal ambition. Your bravery, honesty and integrity are a shining light to the wizarding world. No one else with the necessary political skills comes close. Regardless of recent events, you are going to be needed over the next few years, and I am very much afraid that the pressures of the job will kill you.

"Virginia's actions will have far more consequences than she imagined. At present, her mind is occupied with the immediate - Harry, his welfare, and whether or not either of them will be expelled. But it is Harry's actions that will force those consequences to become public knowledge. Neither of them are blameless, and now we must deal with what comes."

"No. I refuse to be a party to this. I will not allow that boy to be used again. He deserves more than we can ever give."

"Then why are you determined to make his life a misery?" snarled a new voice.

Arthur frowned and looked over at a hospital gown-clad Professor Snape. His daughter shrank away from the Potion Master, as though afraid of him. "What are you talking about, Severus?" the Minister demanded.

Snape sneered at him. "Typical Gryffindor. So willing to sacrifice yourself for others, not knowing or caring what that will do to them."

"You think having Harry expelled would be better for him?" Arthur asked, incredulous.

Snape rolled his eyes. In a tone conveying that Arthur was an imbecile he said, "Yes, if the alternative is having the Ministry collapse from within due to internal bickering. He can be easily removed from Hogwarts and put into the care of any number of both willing and powerful wizards as an apprentice. He would still finish his education, the ministry would still be strong under your leadership, and the Dark Lord would be unable to find a foothold in a corrupt government. But no, you will ignore all the consequences of your own actions, and resign immediately because your daughter is an idiot, condemning the wizarding world, which includes Harry Potter, to years of corruption and uncertainty. Bravo!"

Arthur opened his mouth to respond, but couldn't think of anything to say. As much as he hated it, Severus was right. The ministry was a house of chocolate frog cards, and a single sneeze could bring it crashing down.

Arthur turned back to look at Dumbledore and his daughter. With an expression that looked like he was swallowing something disgusting, he said, "I don't like this, Albus. Everything inside of me screams out against it. But I cannot deny your arguments."

Ginny looked at her father in horror. "No!" she screamed. "You can't! Daddy, please! Don't let them do this!"

Arthur closed his eyes, his daughter's words striking straight to his heart. "I'm sorry, baby. I don't think we have a choice. If you hadn't done this terrible thing, none of it would be necessary."

Ginny screwed up her eyes and burst into tears. Clenching her hands into fists, she started beating her legs and arms. With a cry of alarm, Arthur moved to restrain her. Dumbledore sighed and drew his wand, and cast a quick calming charm on Ginny.

Slowly, Ginny calmed and lay still, crying softly to herself.

Arthur looked up at Dumbledore before jumping in alarm when the door to the infirmary burst open.

"Where is he?" Cho demanded.

The headmaster did not appear surprised at her appearance. "We do not know, Miss Chang. We have several people looking for Mr. Potter right now."

Cho shook her head. "He is in danger. He and Pritchart are dueling."

Snape and Arthur looked skeptical, but Dumbledore looked intrigued. "Are you sure?"

Cho nodded. "I saw him. Fighting her, in front of a large burning building."

"You saw him?" Snape sneered.

Cho's dark eyes flashed dangerously. "A vision, Professor Snape." Cho turned back to Dumbledore. "But I didn't just see him, headmaster. I heard the curses Pritchart was throwing at Harry. I could smell the smoke from the fire. He is in danger right now!" she shouted.

"Miss Chang, please calm yourself." said Dumbledore, holding up one hand. "Remember, Harry is able to flee from almost any situation quickly and effectively. If he is engaged in a duel, it is because he believes he will emerge triumphant."

Snape looked at Dumbledore curiously. "You think he could escape Pritchart if she sprung an ambush on him?"

"Yes, easily." Dumbledore said absently.

Snape gave the headmaster a look of frustration and studied the suddenly blank faces of those present. "Why do I get the impression that everyone here knows something about Mr. Potter that I do not."

Ginny looked up, her eyes bloodshot and puffy. "Harry's 'n tr'ble?" she asked, her voice rough and slurred.

"Because he knew no one would think to look for him here." growled a familiar voice.

The hairs on the back of Harry's neck prickled, and he quickly spun round to the source of the voice, his wand out and ready before the newcomer had finished the sentence. He didn't lower it when he saw who it was.

"Mad Eye!" greeted Sirius. "What are you doing here? What is he doing here?" Sirius asked, indicating Dudley, standing nervously behind the one-eyed man.

"Following your godson. He has lead half the Order on a merry chase tonight." the grizzled retired auror replied happily, both eyes focused on Harry. "Potter's cousin is here at my invitation."

Harry swallowed, but kept his wand trained on his Defense professor. Sirius looked on in surprise, but didn't say anything. "How did you find me? No one knew I'd be here." Harry demanded.

Moody chuckled. "Don't worry, boy. You've covered your tracks well. I wasn't able to work out where you'd be. There are several people busy polishing their wands while staking out Privet Drive and Arabella's house, The Burrow, Diagon Alley, and a few other places."

"Then how?" demanded Harry, his eyes blazing.

"Jeez, Harry, chill out." said Dudley, a frown on his face.

Moody held up a hand to silence Harry's cousin. "Like I said, it wasn't because I knew you'd be here. I just went to the Ministry and waited for a report of a large magical disturbance somewhere in the country." A grin touched the scarred man's face. "Figured that the odds that you'd be nearby were at least better than average."

A small smile slowly spread over Harry's face too and he slowly lowered his wand. "Luck. It was sheer dumb luck."

Moody nodded happily, while Dudley spoke up. "Why would Harry be near any magical disturbance?"

With an ugly, evil grin, Moody turned to face Dudley. "Well, Dursley, I'm not sure what you've been told about the wizarding world right now, but there is a war going on."

Dudley's eyes widened in shock. "A war? But surely we'd know about it, you wouldn't be able to keep it that quiet."

Moody shook his head. "Normally you would, but you'd know it as unexplained disappearances, a rise in family murder-suicides, that sort of thing. But just before this war got underway, the Dark wizards suffered a couple of minor setbacks."

"What setbacks?"

"The first came about when a spy within their ranks gave away their location. The ministry raided and captured and killed about a third of Voldemort's forces."

"And the other?"

Moody grinned and looked at Harry. "The spy later sprung a trap and killed seventy-two Death Eaters. All but two of Voldemort's entire available forces." he said happily.

Harry shook his head. Moody sounding happy was just too weird.

"Bugger me!" exclaimed Dudley. "How many Death Eaters have you killed, Mr. Moody?"

"I preferred to bring mine in alive, Dursley. Unlike your cousin here."

Dudley blinked. He turned to Harry. "Y-you've killed people?"

Harry nodded slowly, a somber expression on his face.

Dudley swallowed. "How many?" he asked.

Moody cackled. "Seventy-two, Dursley. Weren't you listening?"

Dudley's eyes widened at this, then bulged when Harry corrected his professor. "Seventy-five, professor."

Moody's eyebrows shot up in surprise, looking at the two corpses nearby. "Your work?"

Harry nodded.

Moody stomped over and examined the Death Eater Harry had crushed from above. Looking back at the student he spoke in a serious tone. "Tell me, Potter, how does killing make you feel?"

Harry stared at his Defense professor. "Afterwards... dirty. During battle... triumphant." he said honestly.

Moody looked relieved. "Good. I'd hate to think that the person with the most Death-Eater kills enjoyed it."

It was Harry's turn to look surprised. "I-I have the record?" Harry's face turned from surprised to disgusted. "You keep track of things like that?"

Moody nodded while Sirius put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Of course you do Harry." his godfather said, ignoring his second question. "How many dark wizards do you think there have been?"

"I can't believe it." Harry said. He looked to his cousin for support, but Dudley was holding his head in shock himself.

"A couple of minor setbacks he says. He's right, you're all insane." Dudley mumbled to himself.

"Believe it, Potter." said Moody, a wide grin on his face as he looked at Dudley. "Even old Mad Eye hasn't brought in as many of those scum that you've accounted for."

Harry smiled weakly. "How many?" he asked softly.

Moody grinned. "Like yourself, I don't put much stock in numbers and records. But on my retirement papers, it noted that I'd brought in fifty-seven dark wizards in my time, and I only had to kill six of them."

Harry nodded and stepped over to Dudley, who was swaying slightly. Harry's cousin started at his touch, but allowed himself to be steadied.

Dudley looked at him. "Harry, when Mr. Moody arrived, he said he was hunting you. And you had your wand on him when you first met, but now you are friends. Why was he looking for you?"

"He's one of my teachers, Dud. Like I told you, I left school tonight. I'm probably only avoiding my own expulsion anyway."

Moody nodded gravely. "In all probability, you will be expelled. You will get a chance to tell your side of the story though."

Sirius looked from Moody to Harry, confusion on his face. "You mean, you actually put Ginny in the hospital? And Snape too?" he demanded.

All three present looked at Sirius, Dudley in surprise, Harry and Moody with curiosity. "How did you know what I did tonight?" Harry asked. "I didn't tell you."

Sirius sighed softly. "Harry, you know where I work. I found out you'd left the school and I knew I needed to find you fast. So fast that I didn't bother finding out if the rumors were true."

"Freeze!" a slightly slurred voice sounded. All present turned to face the voice except Moody who merely growled, "Took your bloody time didn't you, Bellot?"

As Moody turned to face the disheveled auror, Bellot gasped in surprise. "Auror Moody, sir! I didn't see you."

Moody stomped up to him. "Perhaps you'd like to explain why when I arrived both you and Atkins were flat out on the ground unconscious?"

Bellot swallowed nervously. "Um, we chased a suspect into the woods here, but were struck from behind, sir."

Moody snarled at him. "If you were chasing a Death Eater, the pair of you would be being measured for wooden boxes right now!" Moody shook his head. "Doesn't anyone teach you the meaning of -"

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" shouted Harry, a grin on his face.

Moody ginned while Bellot jumped and looked at Harry before exclaiming, "It's you! You're the one we were chasing!"

Moody whacked him on the back of the head. "Aye! Can you not recognise him, ya daft bugger?"

Harry rolled his eyes, but moved his long, tangled hair away from his forehead.

"Bloody hell!" the auror exclaimed. "You're Harry Potter!"

Harry sighed, but smiled faintly at Dudley's snickers. "That's it Dud, laugh. Just wait until I tell Lisa about you being caught outdoors by aurors wearing only your underwear."


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