Snape's Worst Nightmare
Them v Us
By Draco664
Fortune posted a comment on Wednesday 13th September 2006 4:31pm for Them v Us
really very nice i was laughing so much, especially in the quidditch game when they all had those superior moves to those of the Slytherin. i loved the prank they play at the teachers n nice to see that Harry isn't just son of the Marauder's in just name
XxlEmOnDrOpxX posted a comment on Wednesday 30th August 2006 12:06am for Them v Us
That was GREAT! Absolutely hilarious! Hope you write some more! Please! The humour was fantastic. I hate it when Snape and Harry get along, it just doesn't make ANY sense! Please do write something about the future years.
Teresa Lynne posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 4:10pm for Them v Us
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!! I loved the story of the Nightmare Dozen, and hope that they appear in other stories! I'd bet that the all the other students would worship them for getting rid of Snape......( very wide evil grin ) Hmmmmm.....pity nape couldn't see the future or he'd have quit right after they were sorted! Thanks again for writing such a fun story!
Jim Starluck posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 11:23am for Them v Us
Aww, come on! You can't just leave it at first year! At least *snippets* of their exploits for the next six?
Aberbadger posted a comment on Sunday 23rd July 2006 2:11pm for Them v Us
Absolutely BRILLIANT! I do hope you're planning a sequel to it at some point. This is probably one of the funniest fics I've ever read!
hpfan692000 posted a comment on Thursday 20th July 2006 8:08am for Them v Us
To Draco664,
I have to say without a doubt that this the funniest fanfic that I have read since TMW. I love the charcterizations and the sparring between Harry and Snape. And the kids, Just not enough words to describe this. Some of the things that I love in this are Ginny, seeing Harry as a loving father, and also letting us know the future of the Weasley family. You have done a lot of work on this and it is well worth it. Great Job and when can we see another H/G fic from you?
pstibbons posted a comment on Saturday 15th July 2006 12:51am for Them v Us
I laughed a lot. Thanks for writing this. Over the top, but hilarious.
Grukal posted a comment on Sunday 2nd July 2006 4:59am for Them v Us
You know, i think you are going to choke someone to death with laughter. Keep up the good work
knightsbridge posted a comment on Monday 19th June 2006 11:01pm for Them v Us
Brilliant! No death, no angst, just pure fun. Something rare in Harry Potter fan faction.
I know there could never be a sequel to this, but I hope you write another story with as much humour as this.
Thanks, for the laughs.
elencalima posted a comment on Friday 16th June 2006 11:54pm for Them v Us
I laughed 'till my cheeks and jaws hurt. This is fan-freaking-tastic! XD
~ elencalima
Aleyx posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 11:58am for Them v Us
Oh Gods above and below, this fic is simply excellent! I usually don't read much after-Hogwarts stories, but I sure glad I didn't pass this one. Thanks!
(Incidentally, a sequel of this, or even an AU where Snape didn't quit, would be most welcome ^_^)
UdderPD posted a comment on Thursday 25th May 2006 3:11am for Them v Us
Excellent story, I really enjoyed it.
One comment; in one instance on a cold morning you had the students drinking coffee, surely it should be Hot Chocolate?
Alternator posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 10:32pm for Them v Us
This is one of those rare stories that don't require a sequel. Bravo.
Rogue posted a comment on Saturday 13th May 2006 3:05pm for Them v Us
Utterly hilarious! I don't think I've laughed this hard in ages. I hope you put your fingers to keys for a few more comedic pieces like this one.
Matt posted a comment on Monday 8th May 2006 1:11pm for Them v Us
Great job. This is one of the funniest stories I have had the opportunity to read.
knightblazer85 posted a comment on Monday 8th May 2006 4:58am for Them v Us
please update
Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 2:30am for Them v Us
Yes! Harry finally got rid of Severus! The children at Hogwart's will never have to deal with him again! A brilliant solution to an on going problem. Thanks for writing. An excellent job. pms
Crys posted a comment on Friday 14th April 2006 6:13am for Them v Us
"Slytherin verses my family."
When I read this the first time, I had images of Gred and Forge at Beater, Harry at Seeker, so on, and so forth. It was never specified WHICH family members. Of course, it was never specified WHICH Slytherins, either. Ah, well. Your version was much more humiliating :)
Wonderful story, Draco.
kuzutsu posted a comment on Thursday 6th April 2006 10:13pm for Them v Us
Superb. ( am trying to regain control of vocabulary , too bad one cannot mutter incoherently on screen..)
Hannah posted a comment on Tuesday 26th September 2006 11:51am for Them v Us