Content Harry Potter Crossovers


unperfectwolf posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 7:08pm for Them v Us

Awww, this had me laughing the entire time. I absolutely adore "kids" stories, and this one was awesome.

amulder posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 12:26pm for Them v Us

Hey, Draco,

just browsing again, in need of a laugh.

I know that previously I have joined those advocating for a sequel. But I was just struck by how well this final chapter closes out the story. It's the end of the year, the Gryffindors have grabbed back the quidditch cup, and Snape has actually resigned.

What more could be done?

I think if you ever did compose a sequel, it would have to go off on a tangent. If Snape actually *has* resigned, then how can he be further tormented? Will he take a job at the ministry, only to encounter a few of the "nightmare dozen" after they graduate? Will he open a quiet apothecary, only to have the Weasley's buy a shop next door and give the kids summer jobs? Or perpahs he'll retire and buy a nice manor in the country, forgetting to check who the neighbours are... Whups.

I dunno, taking this out of Hogwarts seems tough. And really, how long can the abuse continue?

Perhaps Snape will attempt some revenge. He'll concoct some mad scheme and try to put one over on the kids, and fail.

Ah well, thanks for the giggles. This really is well done.

clayton posted a comment on Friday 31st March 2006 10:28pm for Them v Us

this was a kick ass story. I can tell you right now that this is one of the best stories I have ever read. you are a great writer, don't ever quit.

Zarz posted a comment on Saturday 25th February 2006 6:53am for Them v Us

That was absolutely wonderful! Stories with Harry as Defense Professor are usually great, but having 12 Weasleys and Potters in the same year was absolutely splendid! I would have liked to see a bit more of the kids in Harry's class, and him being able to control them with ease, though. It would be really cool if you wrote a sequel to this - you're a great writer!

ShadeHawk posted a comment on Wednesday 15th February 2006 9:53pm for Them v Us

Bloody brilliant!

Tracey posted a comment on Monday 13th February 2006 1:00pm for Them v Us

THAT WAS GREAT!!!!! I really enjoyed that!!!

Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Tuesday 7th February 2006 1:30pm for Them v Us

ROFLOL I LOVE IT!!! That was the best ever! I wish you would write more (if you can keep Snape there of course)

Bukama Stealth posted a comment on Tuesday 7th February 2006 6:19am for Them v Us

Exactly who quit Snape, who has been their for a full year and lived or McGonagall only once being a target at April fools day who just learned that the Nightmare Dozen have a practical carte Blanche?

dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 11:56pm for Them v Us

Loved it.

merf425 posted a comment on Saturday 21st January 2006 12:44am for Them v Us

Absolutely fantastic story! :)

Puck1 posted a comment on Friday 20th January 2006 6:06pm for Them v Us

Man oh man. Too bad you took this off of It was one of my favorite stories on there. It's very funny!!!!!

Harrypassion posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 6:26pm for Them v Us

I totally love this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lira posted a comment on Tuesday 10th January 2006 2:23pm for Them v Us

*laughs* That ending was really unexpected! But so cool! *tears of laughter running down her face* Great story! Please write more like this!!!

cmzanna posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2006 4:12pm for Them v Us

I found myself needing a quick pick-me-upper and remembered this story, so I dropped by to visit some of my favorite nightmares ;) Thanks for such a delightful read!

Cu posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 4:24pm for Them v Us

Hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Wednesday 28th December 2005 11:27pm for Them v Us

Well, that's that, I guess. Very, very fun! And I will probably have sweet dreams tonight, what with all the laughing I did over the past couple of hours, thanks to you. :-)

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Monday 26th December 2005 2:32am for Them v Us

Well all I have to say is. I'm sorry that there's no more! That is one of the funniest reads yet !

Rick Gale posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 2:27pm for Them v Us

Well, that's one way to get the job done.

Great job on the story. I know it would be hard to do a sequel, but just think of all the possibilities!

Stories as a group, groups, or as individuals.

I wish I had your writing talent.

runsamok posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 11:57pm for Them v Us

Hello! I just had to share this story with my husband. I couldn't control the gleeful giggles while reading the Sorting Hat's commentary, (rabbits!) so of course I had to share the joy.

Viridian posted a comment on Friday 25th November 2005 8:53pm for Them v Us

My wife started reading this first. When I asked her what all the sniggering was about, she directed me to this story.

Since then, the two of us have sat at our respective computers, randomly erupting into giggles.

Nice job!