By Draco664
Tobang posted a comment on Wednesday 18th January 2006 7:24pm
Lol it took me WAY to long to get the joke that the name of this chapter is. I was half exspecting voldemort to rise again as a headless mummy or something...Other then bruizing my ego at the end i absolutly love this story and i look forward to reading the sequel so keep it up!
MercuryBlue posted a comment on Tuesday 10th January 2006 6:11am
You do realize that this whole thing is in italics, right?
potterhead posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 9:43pm
hey Draco,
I've read betrayal, and apprentice potter so far, and I love them! they were absolutely wonderful.
I love how apprentice potter portrays a slytherin in a good light. I love too read non-stereotypical fanfics.
just one little thing confussed me though: I always thought Blaise zabini was a guy!!!
and I was so confused for a while.
so is Blaise really a girl, or did you cahnge his gender to female just for your fic?
once again great fics, I loved them both!
Wolff posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2005 1:08am
Damn! Go Harry! Kick old Dumbly's ass! That was good to see.
Wolff posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2005 12:22am
Heheheheh, go Harry! I read this story a while ago, when the first chapter of "Journeyman" had come out, and now I'm reading it again to remind myself of where the story was going. I love seeing pissed-off!Harry, and I just adore seeing Dumbles and Snape put in their place. Nicely done.
darkicon_fanfiction9908 posted a comment on Monday 26th December 2005 11:24pm
Awsome. That's just the word to describe that. Great story! Off to read the sequal!
noylj posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 6:56am
Yeah, now if only Ginny was included...
Really fun story, but you left DD and Snape alive. Too bad. Any story where LV, Draco, Snape, or DD are alive at the end just doesn't feel finished...including JK's stories.
noylj posted a comment on Sunday 18th December 2005 1:19am
I know the story is done, but at this point, I would say that Harry needs a little Ginny/Hermy/Blaise comfort time where they can get to know each other in a biblical way...
IceBlades posted a comment on Wednesday 14th December 2005 2:12pm
Absofrickenlutley perfect way to end a story!!
stgilman10 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2005 8:37pm
I read this story back on and am rereading it now. This chapter has a huge gap where harry is captured and voldemort talks about the permanent dark mark. even if i hadn't read the story before, it really felt like something was missing. great story btw.
Mark Blaine posted a comment on Tuesday 29th November 2005 6:23pm
Good work.
sam posted a comment on Tuesday 22nd November 2005 9:03am
just so you know, most if not all of this chapter is italizied.
Blue Werewolf Boy posted a comment on Friday 11th November 2005 5:56pm
Awsome story, this was positivly marvolus. (spelling erro sorry). I loved the ending.
Manatheron posted a comment on Sunday 30th October 2005 1:13am
Ooooo Naughty ;)
Excellent wtory, Great way to end it!
Hagrid posted a comment on Saturday 29th October 2005 1:13pm
I would leave a review, but I am speechless at the moment. What a twisted path you led us on, what fluid motion, what a story! Send me an owl with your next story. Hagrid
patrik svensson posted a comment on Friday 28th October 2005 9:02am
grejt story,
keep upp the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Steven Augart posted a comment on Saturday 22nd October 2005 5:51pm
This was a very pleasant chapter. I have a couple of corrections to make.
1) "sleaves": you mean "sleeves". This mistake occurs several times.
2) The second half of the chapter continues in italics; a clear oversight.
The last scene with Hermione is touching.
Ed Regal posted a comment on Wednesday 12th October 2005 1:20pm
"If however, that potion was brewed during a thunder storm, apparently it would also allow the drinker to withstand a lightning strike with little more than a hair style that would put you in mind of a certain famous ex-patent clerk." Good one - for a moment there I had this sudden flash vision of Yahoo Serious after one of his experiments, but then our favorite violin player's image replaced it....
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 9th October 2005 8:08pm
I started reading this after 2 events, running out of new material from Jeconais, kinsfire, Dorothy, Bob and Alyx and Kokopelli, and 2nd - trusting that it would be good if Tim let you be one of this stable. I am so glad that I did - loving this so far - fabulous to see Harry blow up and, so far get away with, shoving the 'authorities' of the wizarding world exactly how out of touch with reality they are.
Great work - Thanks
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 7th February 2006 4:21am