By Draco664
Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:35pm
"Why on earth would he think I was in danger?" I asked rhetorically.That was hilarious! I really enjoyed this chapter, and swapping the basilisks was pure genius.
Oh, well done with the wee one! I have four myself, and know how busy it can be. Enjoy!!!
JSX posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:30pm
good chapter, nice setup for fixing the hhr problem. and cute kid.
Meg posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:22pm
AH! All thoughts of review flew out of my head with the cuteness!
The grin!
The cheeks!
The chubby wrists!
The baby head/nose/hair!
The irresistible munchyness!
Lordy, update when you can. :D My kids are growing into a certain level of self-care (aka, they can dress themselves, get snacks, play without me), but I remember the days of infinite kissy, snuggy, cuteness.
As I currently want to look at that hair and the little "rubber band" lines, and imagine the softness, rather than type, I get the silence.
As a fan, I do want to know what's next. As a mum, I know what's more important. :D
(And sorry, sort of, for the gushing. My youngest is almost 6 now, and while my brain says "no more babies!", my heart still melts for those infant days. The maternal need to snug can be overwhelming at times while faced with all the social hurdles that are already starting in 2nd grade and Kindy.)
Thanks for the new chapter, and blessing on you and yours.
MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:11pm
Loved Zab's sudden intro to modern Muggle surviellance.
Nice job with Ron. I like him more with every chapter. Hope he shows up more in the future.
Darius? A spymaster? Great twist.
Thanos posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:09pm
Congrats, this is a very good reason.
James13 posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:08pm
Oh my...I am liking Zab more and more...a very paranoid and dangeroud individual, unlike Moody, who was paranoid to the extreme, but oddly very spotty with his personal safety.
Sue posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:02pm
I was just wonderinf how you were doing, earlier today. Thanks for the chapter and She is beautiful.
riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:59pm
Very good chapter. I have to admit to see where Harry & Hermione relationship stand, it look to the romance side is over. But I could be wrong. I have to wonder why is Harry still helping Dumbledore when all he does is used Harry
n4zhg posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:51pm
Hey, the excuse is a baby. It could have been a kitten...
Lufio posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:50pm
Congratulations! And the update to the story was appreciated as well. The chaos of Harry versus the Vatican has been quite amusing these past couple of chapters. I'm really curious as to what the next arc is going to involve.
uberwald posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:48pm
Good chapter and an adorable excuse :)
draalder posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:44pm
"When you behold the face of evil, it will be cute."
Thanks for the update, it was well worth the wait. Dont worry about the time between updates, (although the sentiment is appreciated) the fans who truly appreciate your work understand any reason from carpet-crawler to burnout.
Review: Very nice, on par with the rest of the story and kept its tone very well. Did have some trouble with the Darius explanation, had to read that through carefully so it threw me off but overall very good. Wish I could see the look on Dumbledores face when he is told, that would be one of the great faces of the day.
Thanks again,
MonCappy posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:40pm
Cute baby. ^_^ i find the interaction between Harry and Zab as amusing as ever.
Kinsfire posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:26pm
At least we know how this series will end - with Harry dead. The Vatican does not appreciate having lost the ability to force him to take care of all sorts of things, so they will hunt him down. They are good enough to make it such that he will never be permitted in any civilised country (all they have to do is have him declared a criminal that they need extradited to them). He now HAS to spend his life on the run until they finally get a Muggle in to kill him.
And if he means that much to them that they need him dealt with, probably permanently, then he is likely to discover that the Vatican has "accidentally" murdered Hermione Granger.
The Vatican you've written here WILL go through his friends to get him. If they have to murder the entire Weasley clan, they will. And I'm sure they could figure out some way to claim that it was all in the service of God.
As usual, an excellent job from you. And congratulations on the distraction. *grin*
dave gerecke posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:06pm
And a very nice reason too.
I take that the reason is a boy.
Taegeous posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 6:03pm
Excellent chapter. Love they snatch and grab, especially when he turned the tables on them and upset their carefully laid plans. Ron and him casually watching the chaos was great. My only issue is the unresolved situation with Hermione, which seems to be taking a turn for the worse, for her at least. It doesn't seem to be bothering Harry too much.
anonymous5 posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 5:34pm
best. reason. EVAR.
Excellent chapter. The cloak-and-dagger stuff just doesn't get old, and you do it remarkably well. Thanks for finding time to update!!
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 5:26pm
Great idea stealing the Vatican treasures. Even better is placing the blame on Dumbles.
Good stuff...
corwalch posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 11:17am
Please! Puhleeze update soon!!!
I'm waiting to see the Pope hand Waldorf's head to him and Waldorf's expression when he realizes he has cost the Vatican it's archive of cursed objects.
Please please (on bended knees here) update soon
Crys posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 7:37pm