Content Harry Potter Crossovers


JBern posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 7:37pm

Quality stuff there. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading it.~Jim

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 7:27pm

Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting Horcruxes. :D Definitely an interesting chapter. The scene in the bathroom could've easily have come out of one of Mickey Spillane's works (actually, there's one fairly close to it n "The Erection Set") and the chapter flowed well overall. I suspect that, when they have their much-delayed sit-down and talk that Harry and Hermione are going to have a very long and intense talk.

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 5:29pm

Such limited thinking.
-Nice last line

Loved the fight scene.

Thanks for keeping this fic going.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 5:08pm

Which people at which place? I'm so nosy *grins*

I'm still really enjoying this! Loved your dig at the Antipodean tourists. Hope your baby is treating you well and will let you do some more writing soon.


uthamm posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 5:02pm

Sweet chapter. Harry Kicks A** when underestimated, realistic Hermione scene - they do have issues and I appreciate the way you tell it. He has other things on his mind. Too many stories don't have that element of realism. Slytherin Harry trapping the trappers . . nice.

I just can't help but think I should know what he has . . but I can't!

Drake posted a comment on Thursday 23rd August 2007 3:40pm

:O an update :O

but but but but it's not Christmas yet, or is it?

Totally didn't expect the plot to go this way. But nonetheless, it was an interesting bit of reading. Can't wait to find out what happens when the hired help lets spill what Harry did to them.

razor_M posted a comment on Sunday 19th August 2007 11:55am

C'mon, man! This story is great. Zab is a funny charachter, and I liked the scene where Potter and Weasley kicked the shit out of that Italian Mafia. I also liked how Potter out smarted that daft twit of a Pope. Please, post another soon.
I'll comment when you post again, 'cause I want an excuse to procrastinate on my homework.

FULLMETAL posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 4:17pm

Hey there! This isn't so much a review as it is me giving you props on how you succeeded in predicting Vodie's downfall in DH, in your fic. It was basically the same way Harry offed the Falcone ponce!!! How freaky is that?! Not to mention that his end in 'apprentice Potter' was also what amounts to a wand malfunction. Congrats!

Infin1x posted a comment on Sunday 22nd July 2007 10:28pm

Giving Snape a relatively unimportant death was a beautiful idea, no big duel just getting pushed down the stairs. Hope things between H/Hr work out.

DAMNED posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2007 3:22pm

nice kid good story keep it coming

Deborahsu posted a comment on Wednesday 11th July 2007 1:43pm

What a sweetie pie!!! Babies are fun. Work, but fun.

I'm glad that you did get around to updating!

Zane Wyrick posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 8:00pm

Damn it, you brought horcuxes in.

Zane Wyrick posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 7:50pm

Yes, here we go again.
"...but will not forget."
Funny as hell.

johnapple posted a comment on Saturday 23rd June 2007 6:46pm

Family is all important - she is good looking . I wish you and your family the best of health in the coming years. Great chapter. Thank you for the update.
p.s I have 5 grand children. I love all my children and grand children.

theform posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 9:14am

Great chapter. Not much else to say right now other than Congratulations!

Khadon posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 8:06pm

Another good chapter. I love all these scenes where Harry pisses people off. He just seems to have knack for making them look like idiots. Repeatedly.

Nice to see some Harry/Blaise chatting and I hope next chapter will finally feature a Harry/Hermione conversation. Those two have gone without talking for way to long now and they are much in need of a conversation. Not just to clear the air but also to find a little bit more about the Hermione/Blaise confrontations.

Let me just say I hope you stick to just Harry/Blaise and don't let Hermione back into things. They can become friends again but that should be it. She screwed the pooch this time and there should be concequences.

Well, that's all I've got to say for now. I hope the next chapter comes out a bit sooner. Till then keep up the good work.

FULLMETAL posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 5:14pm

AWESOME UPDATE! Well worth the wait. No complaints whatsoever. The scene with Harry and Zab trying to figure out how to work the computer was a nice touch. Can't wait to read Harry and Hermione's Talk finally after all these chapters of waiting! PLEASE don't break them up!

Neil Glover posted a comment on Saturday 16th June 2007 8:00am

Great story, i look forward to the next chapter

Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 15th June 2007 8:13pm

Great work.

in-fanficauthors posted a comment on Friday 15th June 2007 11:09am

Congratulations. Surely you can continue typing when up every hour on the hour to help your baby :-)

Please keep going.